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The Chinese word for to eat is


to eat

Chinese Definition

     1. 动词. 吃、食

Translations for eat and their definitions

     1. to eat; to consume
           他 很 喜歡 吃飯。 - He loves to eat.
           你 吃飯 了 嗎? - Have you eaten? (also a greeting)
           你 吃 過 飯 嗎? - Have you eaten? (also a greeting)
           儂 飯 吃 過 了 ?? - tr=3non&3ve&4qiq gu leq&0vaq, Have you eaten? (also a greeting), SH
           喫jaak3 屎 啦 你! - Eat shit!
     2. to live on
     3. to suffer; to endure; to bear
           吃苦 - to endure hardship
           吃虧 - to suffer losses, to be at a disadvantage
           他 胸口 吃 了 一 槍。 - He took a bullet in the chest.
     4. to exhaust; to be a strain
           Chrome 吃 內存。 - Chrome is a memory hog.
     5. to drink
     6. (board games) to capture
     7. (mahjong) to chow
     8. =====Usage notes=====
     9. to stammer; to stutter; to falter
           口吃 - to stammer, to stutter
     10. Only used in 吃吃 (qīqī)
     11. (Hokkien) Alternative form of 食 (-)

     1. (literary or Cantonese, Hakka) to eat; to have a meal; to take in
           你 食 咗 飯 未 呀? - Have you eaten yet?
           中國人 係 揸 筷子 食飯 嘅。 - Chinese people use chopsticks to eat with.
           上 星sing1期kei4日 我 同 啲 朋友 一齊 食 晚飯。 - Last Sunday, I ate dinner together with my friends.
     2. (dialectal Cantonese, Hakka) to drink
     3. (Cantonese, Hakka, Min) to smoke
           食煙 - sik6 jin1 - to smoke, C
     4. (Cantonese, board games) to capture
           玩 盲棋kei4-2 嘅 時候,車geoi1 可以 食 馬、炮paau3、士、象、卒zeot1。 - When playing blind chess, a rook can capture knights, cannons, advisors, bishops or pawns.
     5. (Cantonese, mahjong) Short for 食糊, gloss=to win
     6. (Cantonese, figuratively) to receive; to accept; to absorb
           硬食 - ngaang6 sik6 - , C
     7. (Cantonese) to hit on; to flirt
           食女 - sik6 neoi5-2 - , C
     8. =====Usage notes=====
     9. (Coastal Min) to eat; to have a meal
           食飯 (chia̍h-pn̄g) - to eat rice; to have a meal, MN
           汝 食 飽 未? (Lí chia̍h pá bōe?) - Have you eaten yet?, MN
     10. (Coastal Min) to drink
           食茶 (ziah8 tê5) - to drink tea, MN-T
           食 燒酒 (chia̍h sio-chiú) - to drink rice wine, MN
     11. (Coastal Min) to take in; to inhale
           食薰 (chia̍h-hun) - to inhale smoke; to smoke, MN
     12. (Hokkien, Teochew) to embezzle (money)
           食鐳lui (chia̍h-lui) - to embezzle money, MN
     13. (Hokkien, mahjong) to chow
     14. (Teochew, Penang Hokkien) cuisine
           Synonyms: 菜
           廣東 食 ((rftranslit, zhx-teo) - Guangdong food, MN-T)
     15. =====Usage notes=====
     16. (Inland Min) Alternative form of 饁 (-, t=to eat)
           ^酈 ^食yì-其jī (Lì Yìjī) - Li Yiji (an advisor to Liu Bang)

     1. v. to eat
           用 筷子zi 吃飯 - to eat with chopsticks
           他 很 喜歡 吃飯。 - He loves to eat.
           你 吃飯 了 嗎? - Have you eaten? (also a greeting)
           你 吃 過 飯 嗎? - Have you eaten? (also a greeting)
           你 吃飯 了 沒有? - Have you eaten? (also a greeting)
     2. v. to have a meal; to eat; to dine
           我 想 約 你 明天 一起 去 吃飯,不 知道 你 有 沒有 時間。 - I'd like to invite you out to have a meal tomorrow, if you have time.
           你們 收拾shi 收拾shi,準備 吃飯 嘍。 - Pack up you lot and get ready to eat.
     3. v. to make a living
           你 靠 什麼 吃飯? - What do you do for a living?
           我 現在 失業,除了 交 房租,還 要 吃飯 啊,壓力 大 啊。 - I'm out of work at the moment. Apart from paying rent I also have to make a living; it's very stressful.
     4. usage. Chinese people sometimes use the sentence:你 吃飯 了 嗎? - Have you eaten? as a greeting. Its function is roughly equivalent to How’s it going? or How are you? in English.

     1. Simplified form of 吃飯

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