The Chinese word for frost is
Chinese Definition
Translations for frost and their definitions
霜 |
1. frost | |
2. frost-like powder | |
3. (medicine) cream | |
防曬霜 - sunscreen | |
4. (literary, figurative) white | |
5. (Min Nan) ice | |
惹毛 |
1. v. (colloquial) to push someone's buttons; to make someone mad | |
嚴寒 |
1. adj. extremely cold; bitterly cold | |
結霜 |
1. v. (Min Nan) to freeze | |
2. v. (Liuzhou Mandarin) to have frost appear | |
严寒 |
1. Simplified form of 嚴寒 | |
结霜 |
1. Simplified form of 結霜 | |
冰凍 |
1. v. (transitive, intransitive) to freeze | |
2. n. (dialectal) ice | |
冰冻 |
1. Simplified form of 冰凍 | |
寒冷 |
1. adj. (weather) cold; freezing | |
^室外 非常 寒冷,大家 都 把 身體 蜷縮 起來lai 保暖。 - It's freezing outside, everyone huddle together to keep warm. | |
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