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The Chinese word for hand is



Chinese Definition

     1. 名词.

Translations for hand and their definitions

     1. hand
     2. expert; master
           高手 - master
     3. -ist; -er
           歌手 - singer
     4. convenient; handy; portable
           手機 - mobile phone
           手冊 - handbook
     5. handwritten
     6. (Min Nan) luck in gambling
     7. (Mainland China Hokkien)
     8. (Taiwanese Hokkien) hidden part (general)
     9. (finance)
     10. usage. In many varieties of Chinese south of the Yangtze River, 手 refers to the arm and hand collectively.

     1. needle
           (Alternative form 箴)
     2. needle-like object; pin; brooch; hand (of a clock or watch); tack
     3. injection
     4. stitch
     5. acupuncture
     6. to poke; to sting
     7. (Cantonese) spy; informer; probe

     1. Simplified form of 針

     1. n. (literally) needle; indicator; hand on a clock
     2. n. (figuratively) guiding principle; guide
     3. n. (programming, mainland) pointer
           空-指針 異常 - null pointer exception

     1. Simplified form of 指針

     1. edge; side; margin; brim
           湖邊 - lakeshore; lakeside
           碗 邊兒r - rim of a bowl
           街道 兩 邊 - both sides of the street
           在 懸崖 邊 行走 是 危險 的。 - It is dangerous to walk near the edge of a cliff.
           孩子zi 們 在 海灘 邊 用 沙子zi 堆砌 城堡。 - The children are building sandcastles on the edge of the beach.
           冰涼 的 水 在 船 邊 泛 起 泡沫。 - The icy cold water foamed over the side of the boat.
     2. decorative border
           金 邊 眼鏡 -
           她 的 手帕 有 一 條 藍 邊。 - Her handkerchief has a blue border.
     3. side (place next to an object)
           床 邊 - next to the bed
           坐 在 窗 邊 - to sit by the window
     4. border; boundary
           邊疆 - border area
           戍邊 - to garrison the border
     5. (geometry) side
           長方體 有 幾 條 邊? - How many sides does a cuboid have?
     6. (graph theory) side
     7. limit; boundary
           無邊無際 - boundless; limitless; vast
     8. side (of a family, negotiation, etc.)
           雙 邊 會談 - bilateral talks
           佢 老婆 嗰 邊 嘅 親戚 - relatives on his wife's side of the family
           你 為什麼 不 站 在 我 這 邊? - Why are you not on my side?
     9. (Suffix for locality noun.)
           上邊 - on the top, above
           下邊 - under, below
           裡邊 - inside
     10. (Cantonese) close to edges
           唔好 行 咁 邊 呀! - Don't walk that close to the edge!
     11. (used before each verb of simultaneous actions) while
           我 邊 等 邊 瀏覽 幾 本 雜誌。 - I browsed through some magazines while I waited.
           你 喜歡 邊 聽 音樂 邊 做 作業 嗎? - Do you listen to music while doing your homework?
     12. (used after numerals or words indicating time) close to; near
     13. (HKC, usually reduplicated, always used with(佢, tr=-)) to have hot pot
           今日 咁 凍,不如 邊 邊 佢 啦! - It's so cold today, let's have hot pot!
     14. (Cantonese) which
           想 唱 邊 首 呀? - Which song do you want to sing?
           搞邊科 㗎? -
     15. (Cantonese) where
           你 喺 邊 呀? - Where are you?
     16. (Cantonese, rhetorical question) how
           我 邊 記得 啫? - How am I supposed to remember?
           你 邊 有 做 份 功課 呀? - You did not do this piece of assignment.

     1. Variant of 邊

     1. side
           本 側 開門 - Exit this side
     2. to lean to one side; to incline; to slant
     3. Variant of 仄

     1. Simplified form of 側

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