The Chinese word for land is
lù dì
Chinese Definition
land | |
1. 名词. 地,土地 | |
Components | |
陆 | |
1. Simplified form of 陸 | |
2. (cln, zh, numeral symbols, numerals) | |
地 | |
1. earth | |
天地 - heaven and earth | |
2. ground; floor | |
水泥 地 - concrete floor | |
這 匹 馬 倒 在 地上shang。 - The horse collapsed to the ground. | |
銀包 跌 咗 落 地。 - The wallet fell on the ground. | |
趴 喺 地dei6-2 - to lie on the floor on one's stomach | |
3. land; field | |
低地 - lowland | |
呢nei1 塊 地 - this plot of land | |
4. distance; separation | |
車站 離 這 三 里 地。 - The bus stop is three miles away. | |
5. farmland; field | |
田間 地頭 - farmland | |
下地 幹活 - to farm | |
6. (only in compounds) area; region | |
本地 - local | |
殖民地 - colony | |
7. place; locality | |
地處chǔ - located in | |
目的地 - destination | |
分居 兩 地 - to live apart in two different places | |
8. status; situation; position | |
不敗之地 - invincible position | |
設身處chǔ地 - put oneself in somebody else’s position | |
9. (only in compounds) state of mind | |
心地 - mind | |
見地 - perspective, opinion | |
10. place; room; space | |
家 裡 沒 地兒r 了 - There is no room in my home (for that). | |
11. background (behind a text or figure) | |
白地黑字 - black characters on a white background - | |
12. (only in compounds) Short for 地球, Earth | |
地 日 距離 - Earth–Sun distance | |
類 地 行星 - terrestrial planet | |
13. (Hakka) grave; tomb | |
^蛤gé地 站 - Gedi station (蛤地 means "frog-shaped tomb") | |
14. (Mainland China) prefecture | |
地級市 - prefecture-level city | |
15. (chiefly Mandarin) (Particle indicating the preceding word is used as an adverb.) | |
(Alternative form 的, 底 obsolete, c=1) | |
很 快 地de - very quickly | |
一個 一 歲 模樣 的 孩子zi 向 我們 蹣跚 地de 走來。 - A roughly one-year-old child came staggering towards us. | |
佢 偷偷 地dei6-2 走 咗 喇。 - He secretly left. | |
你 靜靜zing6-2 地dei6-2 坐 喺度 喇 吓。 - Sit here quietly, OK? | |
16. (Cantonese) (Placed after a reduplicated adjective or stative verb to lessen its intensity.) | |
紅 紅hung4-2 地dei6-2 - kind of red | |
薄 薄bok6-2 地dei6-2 - kind of thin | |
驚 驚 地dei6-2 - to be kind of scared | |
矮 矮 地dei6-2 - kind of short | |
17. =====Usage notes===== | |
18. (Hokkien, Teochew) Alternative form of 塊 (-, t=place) | |
19. (Taiwanese Hokkien) Alternative form of 塊 (-, t=home) | |
20. Variant of 哋 |
Translations for 地 and their definitions
登陸 | |
1. v. (literally) to disembark; to land; to go ashore | |
颱風 登陸 陸地 - typhoon makes landfall | |
登陸 月球 - to land on the moon | |
2. v. (figuratively) to enter the local market | |
3. v. (zh-misspelling, 登錄, to login) |
土地 | |
1. n. ground; soil; land | |
土地 制度 - land system | |
土地 政策 - land policy | |
土地 私有 制度 - system of private land ownership | |
原住民 土地 所有權 - native title | |
霸佔 土地 - to occupy land | |
2. n. territory |
著地 | |
1. v. to land; to touch down; to touch the ground |
着地 | |
1. Simplified form of 著地 |
登陆 | |
1. Simplified form of 登陸 |
上陸 | |
1. v. to land, to disembark, come on shore (from the water) |
著陸 | |
1. v. (of an airplane) to land |
上陆 | |
1. Simplified form of 上陸 |
着陆 | |
1. Simplified form of 著陸 |
國家 | |
1. n. country; nation; (nation-)state | |
英語 國家 - English-speaking country - | |
內陸 國家 - landlocked country - | |
單一制 國家 - unitary state - | |
海洋 國家 - maritime state - | |
治理 國家 - to govern a country - | |
報效 國家 - to serve one's country - | |
國家 稅務 總局 - the State Administration of Taxation (of the People's Republic of China) - | |
捍衛 國家 主權 - to uphold national sovereignty - | |
損害 國家 利益 - to harm the national interest - | |
窒息 國家 的 活力 - to stifle the vitality of the country - | |
國家 社會.科學 基金 - The National Social Science Fund of China - | |
允許 同性.結婚 的 國家 - countries that allow same-sex marriage | |
我們 這個 國家 真是 多災多難nàn。 - Our country is really troubled. | |
知識shi分fèn子 是 國家 的 寶貴 財富。 - Educated people are valuable assets to the country. | |
2. n. (classical) royal court; imperial court; imperial household; imperial government | |
3. n. (classical) emperor | |
4. n. (classical) city or town enfeoffed to a vassal lord | |
5. n. (classical) capital city (of a country) |
国家 | |
1. Simplified form of 國家 |
農地 | |
1. n. agricultural land (for growing crops); farmland |
农地 | |
1. Simplified form of 農地 |
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