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The Chinese word for land is

lù dì


Chinese Definition

     1. 名词. 地,土地
     1. Simplified form of 陸
     2. (cln, zh, numeral symbols, numerals)
     1. earth
           天地 - heaven and earth
     2. ground; floor
           水泥 地 - concrete floor
           這 匹 馬 倒 在 地上shang。 - The horse collapsed to the ground.
           銀包 跌 咗 落 地。 - The wallet fell on the ground.
           趴 喺 地dei6-2 - to lie on the floor on one's stomach
     3. land; field
           低地 - lowland
           呢nei1 塊 地 - this plot of land
     4. distance; separation
           車站 離 這 三 里 地。 - The bus stop is three miles away.
     5. farmland; field
           田間 地頭 - farmland
           下地 幹活 - to farm
     6. (only in compounds) area; region
           本地 - local
           殖民地 - colony
     7. place; locality
           地處chǔ - located in
           目的地 - destination
           分居 兩 地 - to live apart in two different places
     8. status; situation; position
           不敗之地 - invincible position
           設身處chǔ地 - put oneself in somebody else’s position
     9. (only in compounds) state of mind
           心地 - mind
           見地 - perspective, opinion
     10. place; room; space
           家 裡 沒 地兒r 了 - There is no room in my home (for that).
     11. background (behind a text or figure)
           白地黑字 - black characters on a white background -
     12. (only in compounds) Short for 地球, Earth
           地 日 距離 - Earth–Sun distance
           類 地 行星 - terrestrial planet
     13. (Hakka) grave; tomb
           ^蛤gé地 站 - Gedi station (蛤地 means "frog-shaped tomb")
     14. (Mainland China) prefecture
           地級市 - prefecture-level city
     15. (chiefly Mandarin) (Particle indicating the preceding word is used as an adverb.)
           (Alternative form 的, 底 obsolete, c=1)
           很 快 地de - very quickly
           一個 一 歲 模樣 的 孩子zi 向 我們 蹣跚 地de 走來。 - A roughly one-year-old child came staggering towards us.
           佢 偷偷 地dei6-2 走 咗 喇。 - He secretly left.
           你 靜靜zing6-2 地dei6-2 坐 喺度 喇 吓。 - Sit here quietly, OK?
     16. (Cantonese) (Placed after a reduplicated adjective or stative verb to lessen its intensity.)
           紅 紅hung4-2 地dei6-2 - kind of red
           薄 薄bok6-2 地dei6-2 - kind of thin
           驚 驚 地dei6-2 - to be kind of scared
           矮 矮 地dei6-2 - kind of short
     17. =====Usage notes=====
     18. (Hokkien, Teochew) Alternative form of 塊 (-, t=place)
     19. (Taiwanese Hokkien) Alternative form of 塊 (-, t=home)
     20. Variant of 哋

Translations for and their definitions

     1. v. (literally) to disembark; to land; to go ashore
           颱風 登陸 陸地 - typhoon makes landfall
           登陸 月球 - to land on the moon
     2. v. (figuratively) to enter the local market
     3. v. (zh-misspelling, 登錄, to login)

     1. n. ground; soil; land
           土地 制度 - land system
           土地 政策 - land policy
           土地 私有 制度 - system of private land ownership
           原住民 土地 所有權 - native title
           霸佔 土地 - to occupy land
     2. n. territory

     1. v. to land; to touch down; to touch the ground

     1. Simplified form of 著地

     1. Simplified form of 登陸

     1. v. to land, to disembark, come on shore (from the water)

     1. v. (of an airplane) to land

     1. Simplified form of 上陸

     1. Simplified form of 著陸

     1. n. country; nation; (nation-)state
           英語 國家 - English-speaking country -
           內陸 國家 - landlocked country -
           單一制 國家 - unitary state -
           海洋 國家 - maritime state -
           治理 國家 - to govern a country -
           報效 國家 - to serve one's country -
           國家 稅務 總局 - the State Administration of Taxation (of the People's Republic of China) -
           捍衛 國家 主權 - to uphold national sovereignty -
           損害 國家 利益 - to harm the national interest -
           窒息 國家 的 活力 - to stifle the vitality of the country -
           國家 社會.科學 基金 - The National Social Science Fund of China -
           允許 同性.結婚 的 國家 - countries that allow same-sex marriage
           我們 這個 國家 真是 多災多難nàn。 - Our country is really troubled.
           知識shi分fèn子 是 國家 的 寶貴 財富。 - Educated people are valuable assets to the country.
     2. n. (classical) royal court; imperial court; imperial household; imperial government
     3. n. (classical) emperor
     4. n. (classical) city or town enfeoffed to a vassal lord
     5. n. (classical) capital city (of a country)

     1. Simplified form of 國家

     1. n. agricultural land (for growing crops); farmland

     1. Simplified form of 農地

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lù dì

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