The Chinese word for leaf is
yèTranslations for leaf and their definitions
叶 | |
1. Variant of 協 | |
2. Variant of 葉 |
葉 | |
1. leaf; petal | |
紅葉 - red autumn leaves | |
2. era; epoch | |
十九 世紀 中 後 葉 - middle and late 19th century - | |
3. leaf-like thing | |
肺葉 - lobe of the lung | |
百葉窗 - Venetian blinds | |
一葉扁piān舟 - a tiny boat | |
4. Alternative form of 頁 (page) | |
^葉 ^飛 - Ye Fei (Chinese military general and politician of the People's Republic of China) | |
5. Ye County, Henan, China | |
6. (Min) Alternative form of 箬 (-, t=leaf) |
葉子 | |
1. n. leaf; foliage | |
樹木 每 年 都 重chóng新 長zhǎng出 葉子zi。 - The trees renew their foliage every year. | |
2. n. (slang) marijuana | |
飛 葉子zi - to smoke marijuana - |
叶子 | |
1. Simplified form of 葉子 |
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