The Chinese word for make-up is
huà zhuāng pǐnChinese Definition
make-up | |
1. 捏造 | |
Components | |
化 | |
1. to change; to transform | |
2. to become; to turn into | |
3. to melt | |
把 雪 化-掉 - make snow melt | |
4. to dissolve | |
5. (Suffix denoting "change into ...". Akin to English (m, en, -ize) and m, en, -ization). | |
民主化 - democratize | |
6. (chemistry) (Affix denoting combination.) | |
氧化鈣 - calcium oxide | |
氫氧化鈉 - sodium hydroxide | |
7. Short for 教化, enlightenment; cultivation | |
8. (in compounds) Short for 化學, chemistry | |
日化 - household chemicals | |
化工 - chemical industry | |
9. Variant of 花 | |
10. Variant of 貨 | |
妆 | |
1. Simplified form of 妝 | |
品 | |
1. article; item; product; commodity | |
商品 - merchandise | |
食品 - foodstuff | |
2. personality; character | |
3. grade; level; rank; class | |
4. (musical instrument, of a string instrument) fret | |
5. to taste |
Translations for 品 and their definitions
捏造 | |
1. v. to fabricate; to concoct; to make up a false set of facts |
和解 | |
1. v. to become reconciled; to make peace | |
2. v. (legal) to reach a settlement; to settle (a dispute) |
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huà zhuāng pǐn
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