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The Chinese word for octopus is

zhāng yú


Chinese Definition

     1. 名词. 烏賊、八爪魚
     1. chapter; section
           九 章 算術 - The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art
           章節 - chapter, section
           樂章 - (music) movement
     2. composition; structure
           文章 - article, essay
     3. rules; regulations; constitution; charter
           章程 - rules; charter
           按章工作 - work-to-rule
     4. seal; stamp
           圖章 - stamp, seal
     5. badge; medal; emblem
           徽章 - badge, emblem
     6. order (rfv-sense)
           雜亂無章 - confusing and disordered; chaotic
     7. memorial to the throne
           奏章 - memorial to the throne
     8. (Cantonese) mahjong tiles
     9. (Alternative form 彰) obvious; well-known
     10. (Alternative form 彰) to make manifest; to display; to express
     11. (Alternative form 彰) to commend; to praise; to distinguish
     12. (Chinese astronomy) the cycle of 19 years (approximate common multiple for the synodic month and tropical year, similar to the Metonic cycle)
           章動 - nutation
     13. . Zhang; Cheung
           ^章 ^子-怡 - Zhang Ziyi
     1. Variant of 魚

Translations for and their definitions

     1. n. octopus

     1. Simplified form of 章魚

     1. n. (literary) flowering branch; spray
     2. n. (figuratively) beautiful woman
     3. n. (Min Nan, botany) floral axis
     4. n. (Min Nan, botany) pedicel (of a flower)
     5. n. cuttlefish (especially as a dish) (attn, zh, squid as well?)

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zhāng yú

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