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The Chinese word for plain is

píng yuán


Chinese Definition

     1. 名词. 平原
     1. level; even; flat
           平 放 (píng fàng) - to put horizontally
           平原 (píngyuán) - plain
           馬路 很 平。 (Mǎlù hěn píng.) - The road is very flat.
     2. equal; fair
           平分 (píngfēn) - to divide evenly
           持平 (chípíng) - impartial
           Synonyms: 均
     3. equal
           平輩 (píngbèi) - same generation
           平起平坐 (píngqǐpíngzuò) - to be on an equal footing
           平 了 世界 紀錄 (píng le shìjiè jìlù) - equalled a world record
           雙方 打 成 五 平。 (Shuāngfāng dǎ chéng wǔ píng.) - They reached 5-5.
     4. to level; to make level
     5. calm; peaceful
           太平 (tàipíng) - peaceful and tranquil
           風平浪靜 (fēngpínglàngjìng) - to have no waves
           心平氣和 (xīnpíngqìhé) - even-tempered and good-humoured
           Synonyms: 穩, 靜
     6. to calm down; to make peaceful; to quiet down
           平 民憤 (píng mínfèn) - to assuage popular indignation
           你 先 平 平 氣! (Nǐ xiān píng píng qì!) - Just calm down a bit first!
     7. to pacify
           平叛 (píngpàn) - to suppress a rebellion
     8. ordinary; common; mediocre; average
           平日 (píngrì) - normal days
           平凡 (píngfán) - ordinary
           平民 (píngmín) - civilian
           Synonyms: 常, 庸
           Antonyms: 奇, 特
     9. (Chinese phonetics) level tone (one of the four tones in Middle Chinese)
           平上shǎng去入 (píngshǎngqùrù) - the four tones of Middle Chinese: level, rising, departing and checked
           陽平 (yángpíng) - light level tone
     10. (Cantonese, Hakka) cheap; inexpensive
           平peng4 機票piu3 - cheap air tickets
           平peng4 啲 得 唔 得 呀? - Can it be cheaper?
           不如 平peng4 平peng4-2 地dei6-2 賣 畀 我 啦。 - What about selling it to me at a lower price?
           Antonyms: 貴, tr=-
     11. (Min Nan, Hakka) the same
           伊 佮 我 平 懸。 (i1 gah4 ua2 bên5 guin5.) - He is as tall as me., MN-T
     12. (historical) Short for 北平
           ^平 ^津 戰役 (Píng Jīn zhànyì) - Pingjin campaign
     13. Short for 平方米, square metre Used with numbers without classifiers.
     14. , number 95 of the Baijiaxing
     15. Alternative form of 辨
     16. (obsolete) to control prices
     17. Variant of 抨
     1. meadow; field; plain; prairie; tundra; wilderness
     2. source; origin; beginning
     3. Original form of 源 (fountainhead; source)
     4. basic; fundamental
     5. original; primary
     6. originally; at the beginning
     7. to originate; to arise
     8. to trace the source; to probe into
     9. (literary, or in compounds) to forgive; to pardon
           原諒 - to forgive
           原宥 - to forgive
           原goân情chêng - to forgive, MN

Translations for and their definitions

     1. level; even; flat
           平 放 (píng fàng) - to put horizontally
           平原 (píngyuán) - plain
           馬路 很 平。 (Mǎlù hěn píng.) - The road is very flat.
     2. equal; fair
           平分 (píngfēn) - to divide evenly
           持平 (chípíng) - impartial
           Synonyms: 均
     3. equal
           平輩 (píngbèi) - same generation
           平起平坐 (píngqǐpíngzuò) - to be on an equal footing
           平 了 世界 紀錄 (píng le shìjiè jìlù) - equalled a world record
           雙方 打 成 五 平。 (Shuāngfāng dǎ chéng wǔ píng.) - They reached 5-5.
     4. to level; to make level
     5. calm; peaceful
           太平 (tàipíng) - peaceful and tranquil
           風平浪靜 (fēngpínglàngjìng) - to have no waves
           心平氣和 (xīnpíngqìhé) - even-tempered and good-humoured
           Synonyms: 穩, 靜
     6. to calm down; to make peaceful; to quiet down
           平 民憤 (píng mínfèn) - to assuage popular indignation
           你 先 平 平 氣! (Nǐ xiān píng píng qì!) - Just calm down a bit first!
     7. to pacify
           平叛 (píngpàn) - to suppress a rebellion
     8. ordinary; common; mediocre; average
           平日 (píngrì) - normal days
           平凡 (píngfán) - ordinary
           平民 (píngmín) - civilian
           Synonyms: 常, 庸
           Antonyms: 奇, 特
     9. (Chinese phonetics) level tone (one of the four tones in Middle Chinese)
           平上shǎng去入 (píngshǎngqùrù) - the four tones of Middle Chinese: level, rising, departing and checked
           陽平 (yángpíng) - light level tone
     10. (Cantonese, Hakka) cheap; inexpensive
           平peng4 機票piu3 - cheap air tickets
           平peng4 啲 得 唔 得 呀? - Can it be cheaper?
           不如 平peng4 平peng4-2 地dei6-2 賣 畀 我 啦。 - What about selling it to me at a lower price?
           Antonyms: 貴, tr=-
     11. (Min Nan, Hakka) the same
           伊 佮 我 平 懸。 (i1 gah4 ua2 bên5 guin5.) - He is as tall as me., MN-T
     12. (historical) Short for 北平
           ^平 ^津 戰役 (Píng Jīn zhànyì) - Pingjin campaign
     13. Short for 平方米, square metre Used with numbers without classifiers.
     14. , number 95 of the Baijiaxing
     15. Alternative form of 辨
     16. (obsolete) to control prices
     17. Variant of 抨

     1. adj. simple; uncomplicated; easy
           簡單 碳水.化合物 - simple carbohydrate
           簡單 易用 - simple and easy-to-use
           這 道 題 太 簡單 了。 - This question is so easy.
     2. adj. (chiefly in the negative) commonplace; ordinary
     3. adj. sloppy; careless; skimpy; negligent; casual; oversimplified

     1. Simplified form of 簡單

     1. adj. ordinary; common; usual; not rare; unexceptional
     2. adj. (euphemistic) so-so; average
     3. adv. ordinarily; usually; generally

     1. n. (geology) plain (large area of flat land with no trees)

     1. n. plain; flat open country
     2. n. (name obor, zh, ja, 平野, xlit=Hirano, type=surname)

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píng yuán

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