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The Chinese word for ring is

jiè zhǐ


Chinese Definition

     1. 戒指、圈
     1. to warn; to caution; to admonish
     2. to guard against; to forbid
     3. to give up; to quit (a bad habit)
     4. (archaic) to fast; to purify oneself
     5. (Buddhism) rules governing behavior; precepts
     6. (archaic) to command; to order
     7. (literary) careful; cautious
     8. Short for 戒指, ring
     9. Variant of 誡
     1. finger
           手指 - finger
     2. to point; to point out; to aim
           指出 - to point out
           指 人 - to point at a person
     3. to indicate; to show; to demonstrate
     4. to refer to; to mean
           春天 指 的 是 冬天 後面 的 那個 季節。 - Spring refers to the season after winter.
     5. to rely on; to depend on
     6. to criticize; to rebuke
     7. to make one’s hair stand on end

Translations for and their definitions

     1. n. finger ring; ring

     1. v. to make a telephone call
           打.電話 給 他 看看。 - Try calling him.
           唔該 你 叫 佢 打 返 電話waa6-2 畀 我。 - Please tell him to call me back.

     1. Simplified form of 打電話

     1. n. (formal) finger ring; ring

     1. Simplified form of 指環

     1. v. to ring (to produce the sound of a bell or a similar sound)

     1. circle; ring; hoop
           指環 - finger ring
           耳環 - earring
     2. link
     3. to surround
           環繞 - to surround
           w:zh:環法單車賽\^環.^法 - Tour de France
     4. (chemistry) ring (a group of atoms linked by bonds to form a closed chain in a molecule)
           苯環 - benzene ring
           雜環 - heterocycle
     5. (mathematics) ring
     6. (archery, shooting) ring
     7. (Hong Kong, used in place names and compounds) bay
           四環九約 -

     1. Simplified form of 按鈴

     1. Variant of 環
     2. Variant of 寰

     1. wheel
           齒輪 - gear
           三輪車 - tricycle
     2. Short for 輪船 (steamer; motor ship)
           貨輪 - cargo ship
     3. edge; rim
     4. to take turns
           輪班 - to work in shifts
           輪 到 你 了。 - It's your turn.
           我 等 咗 十 幾 分 鐘 都 仲 未 輪 到 我,真 係 離晒譜。 - I've waited for over ten minutes now and it's still not my turn; this is ridiculous.
     5. (comparing people's ages) a cycle of Chinese zodiac, twelve years
           我 比 他 大 一 輪。 - I'm 12 years older than him.
           第 二 輪 談判 - second round of talks
           一 輪 明月 - a bright moon
           一 輪 紅日 - a red sun
     6. (slang) Short for 輪姦, to gang-rape
     7. n. (Cantonese, finance, in compounds) warrant

     1. to make a sound; to make a noise
           響板 - castanets
           電話 響 了。 - The phone is ringing.
           你 電話waa6-2 響 緊。 - Your phone is ringing.
     2. (of sounds) loud and clear; resonant
           響亮 - loud and clear
     3. famous; reputable
     4. having a great impact
     5. sound
     6. echo
     7. news; messages
     8. (Cantonese) to tell; to declare
           唔 早 響? - Why didn't you tell me about this earlier?
           響 朵
     9. (Cantonese) to be at
           你 響 邊? - Where are you?
           我 響 你 隔籬。 - I am next to you.
           我 響 處syu3。 - I am here.
     10. (Cantonese) at; in
           你 父fu6母 響 校haau6務處cyu3 等 緊 你。 - Your parents are waiting for you at the administration office.

     1. n. (martial arts) lei tai; fighting arena
     2. n. (in general) ring; arena

     1. Simplified form of 輪

     1. Variant of 響

     1. Simplified form of 擂臺

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jiè zhǐ

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