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The Chinese word for river is

hé liú


Chinese Definition

     1. 名词.
     1. Yellow River, Huang He
           Synonyms: 黃河
           ^河南 - Henan, lit=south of the Yellow River
     2.    (obsolete, Chinese mythology) Hebo; the god of the Yellow River
     3.    (obsolete, Chinese mythology) Yellow River's Map; the plan of the Yellow River (mystic diagram said to have been supernaturally revealed)
     4. (by extension) river, especially a smaller river, creek, or stream, as distinguished from m:道
           河流 - river
           小 河 - small river, stream
     5. (obsolete) streamside; riverside
     6. (literary, figurative) Milky Way
     7. (chiefly Cantonese) Short for 河粉
           乾炒牛河ho4-2 - beef chow fun
           He; Ho
     1. to flow
           流汗 - to sweat
           流淚 - to cry; to let tears flow
           流血 - to bleed
     2. to drift; to wander
           流連 - to linger; to be reluctant to leave
     3. class; grade
           一流 - first class; top grade
     4. (of water, electricity, other fluids) current; flow; stream
           氣流 - airflow
           電流 - electric current
     5. to spread; to scatter; to disseminate
           Synonyms: 留傳, 散佈
           流言 - rumors; gossip
           流芳 - to leave a good reputation
     6. (physics) Short for 流明, lumen
     7. (math) flow
     8. (computing) stream
     9. (Cantonese, Hakka) of poor quality
           流嘢 - poor-quality goods
     10. (Cantonese) fake; ingenuine
           Antonyms: yue:堅

Translations for and their definitions

     1. Yellow River, Huang He
           Synonyms: 黃河
           ^河南 - Henan, lit=south of the Yellow River
     2.    (obsolete, Chinese mythology) Hebo; the god of the Yellow River
     3.    (obsolete, Chinese mythology) Yellow River's Map; the plan of the Yellow River (mystic diagram said to have been supernaturally revealed)
     4. (by extension) river, especially a smaller river, creek, or stream, as distinguished from m:道
           河流 - river
           小 河 - small river, stream
     5. (obsolete) streamside; riverside
     6. (literary, figurative) Milky Way
     7. (chiefly Cantonese) Short for 河粉
           乾炒牛河ho4-2 - beef chow fun
           He; Ho

     1. Yangtze River
     2. (by extension) river
     3. (telegraphy) the third day of a month
           Jiang (mainland China), Chiang (Taiwan), Kong (Hong Kong), Kiang (Old fashion)
           ^江 ^澤-民 - Jiang Zemin
     4. =====Usage notes=====
     5. The word that referred to a body of flowing water such as stream, creek or river was represented in early Chinese with 川.
     6. In early times, specialized characters were created to represent words that described particular bodies of water. These words often contain the water radical (水 was written.
     7. In early texts, the term 江 became the standard bearer for a slightly differentiated category of river. It was then applied broadly as a generic term.
     8. Among Chinese users, there are commonly held beliefs about the differences between these near synonyms that may not be reflected in an ordinary dictionary. 江 are often thought of as the larger rivers
     9. Variant of 豇

     1. n. (collective) river
           ^泰晤士.^河 是 ^英國 第二 長 的 河流。 - The River Thames is the second longest river in the UK.
           河流 已經 乾gān涸 了。 - The river has dried up.

     1. n. river; stream
     2. n. current; flow (of water)

     1. river; stream; brook
           川流不息 - to flow continuously
     2. Short for 四川, Sichuan Province, China
           川菜 - Sichuan cuisine
     3. plain
           平川 - plain
     4. road
     5. Synonym of 汆 (to boil food for a short time in boiled water)
     6. Alternative form of 穿
     7. (internet slang) Short for 川普, Donald Trump
           挺川 - to support Donald Trump
           川粉 - Trumpster

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