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The Chinese word for school is

xué xiào


Chinese Definition

     1. 學校
     2. 一群(魚)
     3. 教育
     1. Variant of 學
     2. Variant of 孛
     1. school; college; university
           軍校 - military school
     2. (military) field officer
     3. (historical) horsekeeper official
     4. to proofread; to check; to compare
     5. (printing) proof
     6. (Cantonese) to adjust
           校gaau3 返 啱 隻 錶 - to adjust a watch to the correct time

Translations for and their definitions

     1. n. school
           上 不 了liǎo 好 學校 - to be unable to get into a good school
           去 學校 當 實習 老師 - to do teaching work experience at a school
           他 在 家 說 方言,在 學校 說 普通話。 - He speaks the local dialect at home and Standard Mandarin at school.
           我 喺 一 間 學校haau6 做嘢。 - I work at a school.
           他 的 兒子zi 在 一 所 私立.學校 就學。 - His son studies in a private school.
           去 學校 怎樣 行? - tr=Kó̤ hŏk-hâu cuōng-iông giàng?, How can I go to the school?, MD, a=Cdo_how_to_go_to_school.ogg

     1. school, a group of fish

     1. Simplified form of 學校

     1. n. (historical) old-style private school
     2. n. (dialectal) school
     3. n. (Hong Kong Cantonese, specifically) school for disciplined services (e.g. police, firefighters, etc.)

     1. Simplified form of 學堂

     1. n. education; instruction; schooling
           成人 教育 - adult education
           教育 功能 - educational function
           教育 史 - history of education
           接受 教育 - to receive education
           終身 教育 - lifelong education
           道德 教育 - moral instruction
           免費 教育 - free education
           教育 取向 - educational orientation
           綠色 教育 - education with a focus on environmental protection
           人均 受 教育 年限 - average duration of schooling
           一 個 受過 良好 教育 的 人 - a well-educated person
           普及 科學 與 民主,根子zi 在 教育。 - Education is at the root of the popularization of science and democracy.
           知識 不 一定 完全 來自 於 學校 的 教育,社會 也 是 個 大學 嘛。 - Knowledge does not come from schooling alone. Society is a kind of university.
     2. v. to educate; to enlighten; to inculcate

     1. v. to train; to drill
           在職 訓練 - on-the-job training
           訓練 方法 - training method

     1. Simplified form of 訓練

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xué xiào

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