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The Chinese word for to scream is

jiān jiào

to scream

Chinese Definition

     1. sharp; having a sharp tip; pointy
     2. acute
     3. shrewd
     4. point; tip
           筆尖 - tip of a pen
     5. (card games) ace
     1. to be called
           你 叫 什麼 名字? - What is your name?
           這 叫 什麼? - How do you call this? / What is it called?
           你 叫 咩 名 呀? - What is your name?
           雖然 個 名 叫 @…,但 @… - although it is called (..., ...)
           乜嘢 叫 @…? - What is (...?)
           終於 明白 乜嘢 叫 @… - to finally realize what (... is)
     2. to call; to name
           我們 經常 叫 他 的 綽號。 - We often call him by his nickname.
           我 可以 叫 他 ^@戴夫 嗎? - May I call him Dave?
     3. to call (someone)
           叫 警察 - to call the police
           要是 需要 什麼,我 就 叫 你。 - I'll call you if anything is needed.
     4. to yell; to shout
           狗 叫 - dog bark
           她 高興 地 叫 起來,投入 了 她 母親 的 懷抱。 - With a cry of joy, she fell into her mother's arms.
     5. to hail; to greet
     6. (ditransitive) to ask; to order
           叫 他 待 在 家裡。 - Ask him to stay home.
           醫生 叫 他 休息 幾 天。 - The doctor told him to lay off a couple of days.
           叫 佢 唔好 再 搵 我 - ask them not to try to contact me ever again
           叫 佢 教 你 幾 句 中文man4-2 - ask them to teach you a few phrases of Chinese
           張 凳 噉 細 你 叫 佢 點 坐 呀? - How can you expect them to sit down when the chair is so small?
     7. to hire; to call (a taxi); to order (in a restaurant, in a shop)
           我 給 你 叫 什麼 菜? 肉排 還是 魚? - What shall I order for you? Steak or fish?
           叫 碟 炒飯 - to order some fried rice
     8. (dialectal) to cry; to weep
     9. (used in a passive sentence to introduce the agent); by
           莊稼 叫 大水 沖 走 了。 - The crops were washed away by the flood.
     10. usage. (sense, to call, to be called) When used for a person, 叫 is generally followed by one's given name or full name, as in English.

Translations for and their definitions

     1. v. to shout; to yell

     1. n. (literary) sound of people shouting

     1. Simplified form of 喊聲

     1. v. to scream; to shriek

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jiān jiào

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