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The Chinese word for sheet is

bèi dān


Chinese Definition

     1. 名词. 岩席
     1. bedding; quilt; blanket
           被子zi - quilt
           被褥 - bedding, bedclothes
           墊被 - mattress
     2. by
           我 被 蚊子zi 咬 了。 - I got bitten by mosquitoes.
     3. (Used before a verb to indicate passive voice, often with a negative connotation.)
           我 的 錶 被 偷 了。 - My watch has been stolen.
           我們 的 汽車 尾巴ba 被 撞壞 了。 - The rear end of our car was smashed.
     4. (neologism) passively; under duress; in a forged manner; etc.
           被.自殺 - to "be suicided"; to be killed by the authorities who then pass one's death off as suicide
           被 就業 - to "be achieved employment"; to be falsely recorded as employed (for the purpose of falsifying employment data)
           被 吸菸 - to smoke secondhand
           被 嫖娼 - to be falsely accused of visiting a prostitute
     5. . (attention, zh, not sure if it should be here or in pron 1)
     6. =====Usage notes=====
     7. Alternative form of 髲 (wig)
     8. Alternative form of 彼 (that)
     9. Alternative form of 帔
     1. Variant of 單

Translations for and their definitions

     1. n. bedsheet

     1. (historical) bound set of bamboo slips used for recordkeeping
     2. piece of writing
     3. sheet of paper

     1. to string a bow; to pull a bowstring taut
           Antonyms: 弛
           張 弓 - to draw a bow
     2. to stretch; to open up; to spread
           張開 - to open up, to spread
           張口 - to gape, to yawn
     3. to expand; to spread
           擴張 - to expand, expansion
           聲張 - to make public, to disclose
           誇張 - to exaggerate
     4. to set out; to display
           張貼 - to put up (a notice, poster, etc.)
     5. to look
           東張西望 - to look around
     6. (of a new business) to start; to open for business
           新張 - to begin doing business
           一 張 地圖 - a map
           一 張 桌子zi - a table
           幾 張 凳 - several chairs
           兩 張 紙 - two sheets of paper
           一 張 嘴 - one mouth
           高雄 一 張 - One ticket to Kaohsiung, MN
     7. (Cantonese, Hakka, Zhongshan Min)
     8. (Cantonese) (only for thirty years old or above)
           三 張 嘢 - thirty-odd years old -
           三 張 幾 - thirty-something years old -
     9. (Chinese astronomy) Extended Net (one of Twenty-Eight Mansions)
     10. . Zhang, (listed #24 of the Baijiaxing)
           ^張 ^飛 - Zhang Fei (Chinese military general serving under the warlord Liu Bei in the late Eastern Han dynasty)
           ^張 ^藝-謀 - Zhang Yimou (Chinese film director)
     11. to boast; to exaggerate (now merged into Pronunciation 1)

     1. Simplified form of 床單

     1. Simplified form of 張

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