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The Chinese word for soap is

féi zào


Chinese Definition

     1. 名词. 肥皂。
     1. fat; plump; obese (adjective)
           農場 裡 的 小豬 長zhǎng 得de 肥-肥 的,好 可愛。 - The pigs in the farm are quite plump, very cute.
           一時 嫌 人 肥,一時 嫌 人 瘦,都 唔 知 點 好。 - Sometimes, I'm criticized for being fat, while other times, I'm criticized for being skinny. I don't know what to do.
     2. fat; fatness (noun)
           減肥 - to lose weight -
     3. fertile
     4. fertiliser
           化肥 - chemical fertilizer -
           氮肥 - nitrogenous fertilizer -
           施肥 - to apply fertilizer -
     5. (usually derogatory) benefit; advantage; gain
     6. =====Usage notes=====
     7. (Hong Kong Cantonese) to fail (a test)
     8. (Hong Kong Cantonese) to fail (someone) in a test
     1. black
           不分青紅皂白 - (literally) to not distinguish between blue-green, red, black and white.
     2. Short for 皂斗, acorn
     3. Short for 皂莢, (vern, Chinese honey locust)
     4. soap
           Synonyms: 肥皂
           香皂 - scented soap
           Synonyms: 差役

Translations for and their definitions

     1. n. soap
     2. n. (obsolete) (vern, Chinese honey locust) (, or other similar plants, pounded into pieces)
           Synonyms: 皂莢, 皂角
     3. n. (slang) genocide victim

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féi zào

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