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The Chinese word for to talk is

shuō huà

to talk

Translations for to talk and their definitions

     1. v. to speak; to talk
           來不及 說話 - to not have a chance to speak
           他 是 南方人,所以 一 張口 說話 就 帶有 南方 口音。 - He is from the South, so when he opens his mouth to speak, you can hear his Southern accent.
           這 個 人 說話 太 霸氣 了! - The way this person speaks is too aggressive!
     2. v. to chat
     3. v. to scold; to berate
     4. v. (Teochew) to pray before a deity
     5. adv. (dialectal) an instant
     6. n. (archaic or dialectal) words; what one says
           唔好 再 同 我 講 呢ni1啲 說話。 -
     7. n. (archaic, Tang and Song dynasties) (a genre of traditional storytelling)
     8. n. (Cantonese) saying
           自古 有 句 說話,「@…」 - there is a saying that "(...")

     1. v. to discuss; to chat; to have a talk
           他們 不只 談話,還 喊叫 大笑。 - They not only talked but also shouted and laughed.
           我 現在 最 頭痛 的 是,我 不能 平心靜氣 地de 和 我 的 父母 談話。 - The biggest headache for me now is that I can’t talk to my parents calmly.
     2. n. discussion; chat
     3. n. formal presentation; statement

     1. Simplified form of 說話

     1. Simplified form of 談話

     1. Simplified form of 說
     2. usage. This character is the preferred form used in Hong Kong. It is also the traditional form of 说 used in mainland China.

     1. v. to converse
     2. n. conversation; dialogue

     1. Simplified form of 說

     1. Simplified form of 會話

     1. (chiefly dialectal Mandarin Cantonese Hakka Min Wu Xiang) to say; to talk; to speak
           你 講 咩 呀? - What are you saying?
           你 唔 早 講! - Why didn't you say so earlier!?
           何解 不 講 噠? (o2 gai3 bu6 gan3 da?, X) - Why aren't you saying anything?
     2. to tell; to inform
           我 無 共 伊 講。 - I didn't tell him., MN
           我 冇 同 佢 講。 - I didn't tell him.
           我 冇 跟 他 講。 (ngo3 mau5 gen1 ta1 gan3, X) - I didn't tell him.
     3. to speak (a language)
           講 英語 - to speak English
           他 會 講 英語,而且 講 得de 好。 - He can speak English, and what's more he speaks it very well.
           我 唔識 講 廣東話waa6-2。 - I don't speak Cantonese.
           儂 好 流利 個 講 英文 ?? - Can you speak English fluently?, SH
           你 長沙話 曉得 講 啵? (nyi3 zhan2 sa1 fa5 xiau3 de gan3 bo?, X) - Can you speak Changsha Xiang?
     4. to explain; to lecture
     5. to discuss; to negotiate
     6. to emphasise; to pay attention to; to take into account
           講 衛生 - to pay attention to hygiene
           不 講 武德 - to not obey ethics of martial arts
     7. speech; lecture
     8. (Hokkien) (Used after a verb to introduce a clause that is the object of the verb:) that

     1. Simplified form of 講

     1. n. negotiation; talks
     2. v. to negotiate

     1. Simplified form of 會談

     1. n. negotiation; talks
           首輪 談判 - first round of talks
           最終 協議 的 談判 正在 悄悄 進行。 - Negotiations on the final agreement are progressing in secret.
     2. v. to negotiate

     1. Simplified form of 談判

     1. v. to negotiate; to discuss how to resolve issues with another party; to make representations
     2. n. negotiations; discussions held with another party in order to resolve issues; representations

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