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Translations for time and their definitions

     1. n. time (the inevitable passing of events from future to present then past)
           愛惜 時間 - to treasure time
           浪費 時間 - to waste time
           打發fa 時間 - to kill time
           合理 支配 時間 - to manage time reasonably; reasonable time management
           時間 不 等人。 - Time waits for no one.
           時間 催 人 老。 - Time ages us.
           時間 還 來得de及。 - All in good time.
           抓緊 時間! - Get a move on!
     2. n. time (a measurement of a quantity of time; a numerical indication of a length of time)
           辦公 時間 - office hours
           我們 還 有 多少shao 時間 呢? - How much time do we have left?
           別 在 他 身上 浪費 時間 了。 - Don't waste time on him.
           ^地球 自轉zhuàn 一 周 的 時間 是 @23 小時 @56 分 @4 秒。 - The time taken for the Earth to make one rotation is 23 hours 56 minutes 4 seconds.
     3. n. a point in time
           現在 的 時間 是 一點 零 五 分。 - The time now is five minutes past one.
     4. n. free time; leisure; spare time
           不知 您 是否 有 時間。 - I wonder if you might have time.
           我 想 約 你 明天 一起 去 吃飯,不 知道 你 有 沒有 時間。 - I'd like to invite you out to have a meal tomorrow, if you have time.

     1. order; sequence
     2. (algebra) order
     3. next in sequence; second
     4. (literary) to arrange into ordered form; to put into sequence; to impose order; to compile
     5. inferior; substandard
           上次 - last time -
           次數 - number of times; frequency -
     6. (archaic, military) to station the troops at some place; to hold position at some place
     7. Only used in 榆次
     8. Only used in 次且
     9. Only used in 具次

     1. Used to indicate location of something.
           度度 - everywhere
           唔通 我 留 咗 條 鎖匙si4 喺 架 車 度? - Can it be that I left the key in the car?
           行 埋 佢 度 - walk near to him/her
     2. approximately; around
           Synonyms: 左右
           兩 磅 度dou6-2 - around 2 pounds
     3. Variant of 宅

     1. Simplified form of 時間

     1. n. time (the inevitable passing of events from future to present then past)
           讓 時光 倒dào流 - to turn back the clock
           時光 飛逝。 - Time flies.
     2. n. time (a quantity of time; an experience)
           美好 時光 是 那樣 的 短暫, 宛若 天空 滑 過 的 流星 般 轉瞬即逝。 - Happy times are so short; like a shooting star, they are gone in an instant.

     1. to be everywhere; to be spread out; to lay out
           遍歷 - to traverse
     2. (literary, or in compounds) common; widespread; universal; pervasive; general; ubiquitous
           請 再 說 一 遍。 - Please say it again.
           已經 講 咗 Nen1 遍pin3 - have already said it so many times

     1. Simplified form of 時光

     1. v. to time; to measure time; to reckon by time
           計時 停車 - metered parking

     1. n. period of time
           上課 的 時候hou - during class
     2. n. a point in time
           到 時候hou 再 決定 吧。 - We'll decide later.
           時候hou 不早 了,趕快 睡覺 吧! - It's getting late. Get to bed!
           這個 時候hou 該 怎麼 辦 呢? - What do I do at this moment?
           你 知道 現在 是 什麼 時候hou 了 嗎? - Do you know what time is it now?
     3. n. (Classical) season and climate
     4. usage. Often placed at the end of a clause, and preceded by tr=de, to indicate when something happens. For example:
           當 我 想 你 的 時候hou - when I think of you
     5. usage. Note that tr=de) can also be used the same way.

     1. Simplified form of 計時

     1. Simplified form of 時候

     1. adv. constantly
           科學 技術 時刻 都 在 進步。 - Science and technology is constantly improving.
     2. n. moment
           生死攸關 的 時刻 - a moment of life and death

     1. Simplified form of 時刻

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