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The Chinese word for tire is

lún tāi


Chinese Definition

     1. 名词. 轮胎
     2. 动词. 勞累
     1. Simplified form of 輪
     1. fetus; unborn child
     2. source, origin
     3. to bring up, to rear
     4. pearl in shell
     5. roughcast
     6. padding
     7. tongue coating; fur
           (Alternative form 苔)
     8. to escape
     9. Alternative form of 鮐
     10. pneumatic tire

Translations for and their definitions

     1. adj. tired; overworked; exhausted; worn out
     2. v. to work hard; to toil; to exhaust oneself
     3. v. (polite) to trouble someone (to do something)

     1. Simplified form of 勞累

     1. to pile up; to heap up; to mount up; to accumulate
           積累 - to accumulate
           累計 - to accumulate
     2. repeated; numerous; unremitting; continuous; persistent
           經年累月 - for years and years
     3. (obsolete) to repeat; to replicate; to overlap
     4. (obsolete) to add (to); to increase; to grow
     5. (obsolete) to amount (to); to sum up (to)
     6. (obsolete) Alternative form of 絫 (ancient weight unit)
     7. to involve; to implicate; to embroil; to entangle; to hinder
           連累lei - to implicate
           累leoi6人累leoi6物 - to bring burden on others
     8. (obsolete) burden; tribulation; affliction; problem
     9. (obsolete) to damage; to hurt; to do harm to; to stain; to sully
     10. (obsolete) to entrust; to delegate; to devolve
     11. to strain; to wear out; to cause to be tired
           別 累lèi 著着zhe 眼睛 - Do not tire your eyes.
     12.    to cause trouble to; to trouble (someone)
     13.   真係 唔好意思,累leoi6 你 白 行 一 趟。 - I'm really sorry for making you come here for nothing.
     14. (obsolete) suffering; misery; harm; disaster
     15. (obsolete) fault; crime; slip; defect
     16. to work hard; to toil; to overwork
           我 今天 累lèi 了 一 整 天。 - I've been working hard all day today.
     17. tired; weary; fatigued; exhausted
           我 很 累lèi。 - I'm tired.
           他 會 累lèi 得 精疲力竭 的。 - He'll wear himself out.
     18. (obsolete) wife and children; one's family
     19. (Changsha Xiang, polite) please; asking for help
           累 你 幫 下 忙 囉。 (lia6 nyi3 ban1 ha5 man2 lo, X, ref=1998, 鮑厚星) - Please help. et al. (editors), (lang, zh, 長沙方言詞典, page 66)
     20. Used in 累贅 (cumbersome)
     21. Variant of 纍
     22. Only used in 謼遫累
     23. Only used in 肥累

     1. adj. weary; exhausted; fatigued
     2. adj. lax; slack

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lún tāi

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