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The Chinese word for to turn is


to turn

Chinese Definition

     1. 动词.

Translations for turn and their definitions

     1. v. to turn (a body part or another object); to swivel
     2. v. (intransitive) to rotate; to revolve; to move in a circle; to gyrate

     1. to turn; to revolve
     2. to wind; to entwine
     3. winding; circuitous
     4. to change; to shift; to alter
           轉換 - to change
           轉tńg 大人 - to become an adult, MN
           轉 敗 為 勝 - to turn defeat into victory
     5. to change direction; to turn
     6. (Southwest Mandarin, dialectal Cantonese, Hakka, Min, Wu) to return; to come or go back
           轉來 (2tsoe le, SH) - to come back; to return
           轉去 (2tsoe qi, SH) - to go back; to return
     7. (Wu) to think; to contemplate; to turn over in one's mind
     8. (Min Nan) to mediate; to reconcile
     9. (dialectal Mandarin, Cantonese)
     10. to change position; to move
     11. to wave; to flutter
     12. to divert; to transfer
     13. to evade; to avoid
     14. to be transferred to another post
     15. to sell; to transfer the ownership
     16. to transport; to relay; to carry in a cart
     17. to discard; to abandon
     18. to leave; to depart
     19. to chant; to utter (spell); to recite
     20. (intransitive) to revolve; to rotate; to turn
     21. revolution; rotation; turn
     22. (Cantonese, dialectal Hakka, dialectal Min, dialectal Wu) hair whorl
     23. number of times; time
     24. to wind around; to go around; bypass
     25. to lose (way); to get lost
     26. (colloquial) to stroll; to saunter; to amble; to wander
     27. Alternative form of 囀 (to chirp; to warble; to chirrup)
     28. (music) RPM
           78 轉zhuàn 黑膠 - 78 RPM record
     29. (Mandarin, colloquial) Alternative form of 拽 (to act pretentiously; to show off)
     30. (Min) to twist with force or with a tool

     1. to turn
           請 右 拐。 - Please turn right.
           請 左 拐。 - Please turn left.
     2. to kidnap; to abduct
     3. to misappropriate
     4. walking stick; cane
           拄拐 - to walk with a cane
     5. the numeral seven (used in radio communications in aviation and by the military)
     6. (Sichuan) wrong; incorrect

     1. Simplified form of 轉動

     1. Simplified form of 轉

     1. v. (usually intransitive) to rotate; to revolve; to gyrate; to spin; to whirl
     2. v. (intransitive) to feel dizzy
     3. v. (transitive, figurative) to reverse; to transform; to turn around (a state or situation)
     4. v. (Taiwan, Internet slang) to patronize; to pull someone's leg

     1. Simplified form of 旋轉

     1. v. (intransitive) to revolve; to orbit; to turn on an axis
     2. v. (intransitive) to operate; to run
     3. v. (of fortune) to turn; to have a lucky break
     4. v. (intransitive) to take public transport (for traveling or experience)
     5. n. revolution; turning on an axis
     6. n. operation (of a machine); running (gloss, of a business)

     1. Simplified form of 運轉

     1. v. to become; to turn into; to change into
           成chéng為wéi 一個 更好 的 自己 - to become a better person; to become a better version of oneself
           要 想 外出 度假jià 時,寵物 會 成為wéi 牽累。 - Pets can be a burden when you want to go away on holiday.
           從 今天 起 他 就 成為wéi 總經理 了。 - He became the general manager from today on.
           高校 人才 流動 已經 成為wéi 越來越 常見 的 現象。 - Talent mobility in universities has become an increasingly common phenomenon.

     1. Simplified form of 成為

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