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The Chinese word for waiter is

fú wù yuán


Chinese Definition

     1. 侍者
     1. clothes; garment
           衣服 - clothes
           校服 - school uniform
     2. mourning dress
     3. to wear; to put on
     4. to take; to eat
           服藥 - to take medicine
           服用 - to take medicine
           服毒 - to take poison
           每日 服 三 次。 - Take it three times a day.
     5. to serve
           客服 - customer service
           服 兵役 - to serve in the army
           服刑 - to serve a sentence
     6. to submit; to agree; to accept; to obey
           不服 - to refuse to accept
     7. (Used to express defeat even though one is not convinced of the opposing arguments)
           服 了 你 了。 - You win.
           我 真係 服 咗 你。 - Come on, I surrender.
     8. to convince; to persuade
     9. to be accustomed to
     10. (gaming) Short for 伺服器; server
     11. (historical) inner pair of horses among the four that pull an imperial carriage
     1. Simplified form of 務
     1. Simplified form of 員

Translations for and their definitions

     1. n. server; attendant; waiter; waitress; clerk; porter; valet
           機艙 服務員 專用 通道 - crew passage
           服務員!結賬! - Waiter! The bill, please!
     2. usage. Often used as a polite way of getting the attention of a waiter, equivalent to excuse me in English.

     1. Simplified form of 服務員

     1. n. (formal) waiter; servant; attendant

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fú wù yuán

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