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The Chinese word for woman is

nǚ rén


Chinese Definition

     1. 名词. (成年的)女人,女性,女子,婦女
     2. 名词. (無冠詞、總稱)女人
     3. 名词. (帶冠詞)女人味,女人氣質
     4. 名词. (俗) 女傭,女僕
     5. 名词. (俗) 愛人,情婦
     6. 名词. (俚) 妻子
     1. Variant of 汝
     1. man; person; people
           人類 (rénlèi) - humans
           那 人 是 誰? (Nà rén shì shéi?) - Who is that person?
           嗰個 人jan4-2 係 邊個 嚟 㗎? - Who is that person?
           有人 敲門 了。 (Yǒurén qiāomén le.) - Someone knocked on the door.
     2. a person associated with a particular identity or trait; -er
           主持人 (zhǔchírén) - host
           ^北京人 (Běijīngrén) - Beijinger
           香港人 - Hongkonger
     3. body
           人 在 心 不 在 (rén zài xīn bù zài) - the body is here but the heart is not
           這 兩 天 人 不大 舒服。 (Zhè liǎng tiān rén bùdà shūfú.) - I lit. the body haven't been feeling that well these few days.
           今天 上午 你 人 在 哪? (Jīntiān shàngwǔ nǐ rén zài nǎ?) - Where have you been this morning?
     4. everybody; everyone
           人手.一冊 (rénshǒu yīcè) - It's a bestseller. (lit. Everyone has a copy.)
           人所共知 (rénsuǒgòngzhī) - common knowledge
     5. other people; others
           人云.亦云 (rényún yìyún) - to follow the crowd (lit. to say what others say)
           害人害己 (hàirénhàijǐ) - to harm others and onself
     6. physical, psychological or moral quality or condition; character; personality
           就我所知,他 人 不錯。 (Jiùwǒsuǒzhī, tā rén bùcuò.) - As far as I know, he is kind (lit. his personality is not bad).
           我 不 知道 他 是 什麼 人。 (Wǒ bù zhīdào tā shì shénme rén.) - I don't know what kind of person he is.
           佢 到底 係 咩 人 嚟㗎? - Exactly what kind of person is he?
     7. manpower; worker; employee
           我們 公司 正 缺 人。 (Wǒmen gōngsī zhèng quē rén.) - Our company is short on manpower right now.
     8. talent; person of talent
     9. (obsolete) common people; commoner
     10. adult; grown-up
           長zhǎng大 成人 (zhǎngdà chéng'rén) - to grow up to be an adult
     11. (Cantonese) (used as a dummy pronoun); someone; others
     12. (Zhao'an Hakka) pluralizes a personal pronoun
           ?人、你人、佢人 (ngài ngìn, ngì ngìn, kì ngìn) - we, you all, they
     13. (obsolete) sexual intercourse
           人道 (réndào) - sexual intercourse
           人事 (rénshì) - sexual intercourse
     14. (obsolete) company; companion; friend
     15. artificial; man-made
           人禍 (rénhuò) - human disaster
     16. (obsolete) human affairs; ways of the world
     17. (obsolete) mortal world; earthly word
     18. (obsolete) Alternative form of sc=Hani, 仁 (kernel, tr=rén)
     19. (obsolete) Alternative form of sc=Hani, 仁 (charity, tr=rén)
     20. (obsolete) Alternative form of sc=Hani, 仁 (loving; kind, tr=rén)
     21. (Beijing) Lenition of rénjia.
           別 磨蹭ceng 啦,人 在zǎi 外頭tou 等 著着zhe 我們 呢! (Bié móceng la, rén zǎi wàitou děng zhe wǒmen ne!) - Stop dilly-dallying. He/She/They is/are waiting for us outside!, M-UIB
           哎呀,人 孩子zi 考上shang ^哈佛 ^大學 啦,多 出息xi 呀! (Āiya, rén háizi kǎoshang Hāfó Dàxué la, duō chūxi ya!) - Geez, his/her/their kid got into Harvard University. How promising!, M-UIB
           人 別人ren 都 不 吱zī聲sheng兒r,就 他 把 這zhèi 事兒r 給 說 出chu來lai 了。 - , M-UIB, Rén biéren dōu bù zīshengr, jiù tā bǎ zhèi shìr gěi shuō chulai le.
     22. (Taishanese) paternal grandmother

Translations for and their definitions

     1. n. (collective) woman
           尊重 婦女 - to respect women
           婦女 庇護所 - women's shelter
           育齡 婦女 - women of childbearing age
           婦女 能 頂 半邊天 - women hold up half the sky
           被 暴力 脅迫 賣淫 的 婦女 - women who are violently coerced into prostitution
     2. usage. When referring to an adult female in a neutral sense, lady in English).

     1. Simplified form of 婦女

     1. n. woman; adult female
           一個 陌生 女人 的 來信 - a letter from an unknown woman
           我 不 想 和 這 種 不要臉 的 女人 講話。 - I don't wish to speak to such a shameless woman.
     2. n. (colloquial) lover; mistress
     3. n. =====Usage notes=====
     4. n. (colloquial) wife

     1. n. (often, attributive) the female sex; female
           女性 衛生 用品 - feminine hygiene products
     2. n. woman; female
           月經期 女性 - menstruating women

     1. n. (colloquial) female; woman
           你 是 男的 抑是 女的 嗎?若是 女的,許個 女的 說 你 著 買 女的 的 衫,了 去 女的 的 廁所 穿衫。 (Lí sǐ lâm--ê á-sǐ lú--ê ba? Nǎ-sǐ lú--ê, hi-gê lú--ê seh lí tio̍h bóe lú--ê ê saⁿ, liáu khì lú--ê ê chhè-só͘ chhēng-saⁿ.) - Are you a b
     2. usage. When referring to an adult female in a neutral sense, lady in English).

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nǚ rén

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