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     1. Simplified form of 決
341 男人
     1. n. mannánrén
           花心 男人 - womaniser
            抓住 男人 抓住 男人 。 - The way to a man's heart is through his stomach.
     2. adj. (colloquial) manly; masculine
     3. n. (colloquial) husbandnánren
     1. to see someone offsòng
     2. to send; to dispatch; to deliver
     3. to give; to offer; to gift
            - buy one get one (free)
           滿 - purchase $1000 and get $100 back
            禮物 。 - This is a gift for you.
           人哋 多謝。 - When people gift you things, you need to say thank you.
     1. Variant of 達
     2. Variant of 㒓
     3. (obsolete) smooth
     1. kindness; mercy; charityēn
     2. affection
     3. (Mainland) Short for 恩格斯 (Engels)
     1. (SWC, Mandarin, Jin) to drink
     2. to shout; to call out
     3. (Cantonese, transitive) to shout at someone
     4. Alternative form of 嗬 (hey)hē, hè
     5. (Quanzhou Hokkien) so
     6. Variant of ?
     1. male adult; man
     2. The gate of the Sword Parapet stands firm on its frightful height.One man defending it, a thousand men could not break it open.
     3. , ref=(circa2, early 8th century, short=yes), Li Bai (lw, zh, 李白), lw, zh, s:zh:蜀道難 (李白), 蜀道難. Translated into the English as The Steep Road to Shuh by Shigeyoshi Obata (lang, ja, 小畑薫良), 1922.
     4. husband
           前夫 - ex-husband
           夫婦 - married couple
     5. manual worker
347 名字
     1. n. namemíngzi, míngzì
            名字zi - to come up with a name -
     2. n. full name (of a person)
            什麼 名字zi? - What's your name?
     3. n. given name
            名字zi 。 - His last name is Chen, and his given name is Huaqing.
            忘記 怎麼 拼寫 名字 來著着zhe。 - I've forgotten how to spell your name.
     1. Simplified form of 約
349 一些
     1. n. some; a few; a little一xiē, er=y
            讀完 發表 一些 感想。 - She shared some impressions after reading the book.
           上年 探望 一些 ^非洲 貧窮 家庭。 - I visited some impoverished families in Africa last year.
            特意 ^法國 你們 回來 一些 資料你們 好好 看看。 - These are some materials that I brought back for you from France. Please take a look.
     2. adv. slightly; a little; somewhat
           語速 儘量 一些。 - Speak as slowly as possible.
     1. Variant of 聲
     2. Variant of 磬
     1. Simplified form of 興
     1. to marry; to get marriedhūn
     2. wedding; marriage
     3. family of wife
353 认为
     1. Simplified form of 認為
354 出去
     1. v. to go outchūqù
           準備 出去 - to get ready to go out
            出去! - Get out!
            咱們 出去 ! - Wow, the rain stopped! Let's go out and play!
            今天 出去 的話記得de 鎖上 前門。 - If you go out today remember to lock the front door.
     2. part. (Used to modify a verb to indicate an outward direction; always appended to the end of a verb.)
            出去 - to throw out
355 生活
     1. n. life (activities in life)shēnghuó
           日常 生活 - everyday life
           城市 生活 - urban life
           生活 節奏 - pace of life
           豪華 生活 - high life
           熱愛 生活 - to love one's life
           生活 態度 - outlook on life
     1. bamboo basket; bamboo frame; bamboo cagegōu
357 最好
     1. adj. bestzuìhǎo
           沒有 最好只有 gèng - There is no best, only better.
     2. adv. had better; it would be best (to do something); one would be well-advised to
            最好 詞典。 - You had better buy a good dictionary.
358 是不是
     1. conj. whether or notshì不shì, t
           是不是 最近 ? - Been busy lately?
            是不是 ? - Shouldn't we get going?
            是不是 ? - Aren't I good to you?
           兒子 瘦削 屁股gu 是不是 ? - (My) son's gotten skinny, says his bottom is itchy, has he got worms?
     2. interj. isn’t it so? (used as a tag question)
     1. Simplified form of 戰
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