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     1. Simplified form of 倫
     1. early; in advance; soonzǎo, zóu
            。 - I woke up early.
            一點 ? - Can you be here a little earlier?
           請問 今天 一會兒r ? - Please could I leave early today?
     2. long ago; for a long time
            。 - He left long ago.
     1. Variant of 傑
     2. Used in personal namesjié
           w:zh:周杰倫\^.^杰倫 - Jay Chou
           w:zh:羅杰瑞\^.^杰瑞 - Jerry Lee Norman
     3. (Cantonese) thick; viscous
            - the congee is very viscous
     4. (Cantonese) serious
543 怀
     1. Variant of 懷
     2. anger
     1. Variant of 彈
     1. Simplified form of 滿
     1. Simplified form of 驚jīng
     2. Variant of 悢
     1. Simplified form of 喬
     1. pine treesōng
     2. , 216th in the Baijiaxing
     3. Simplified form of 鬆
     1. Variant of 擔
     2. Variant of 揭
     3. Variant of 撣
     4. Variant of 笪
     1. to govern; to regulate; to administerzhì, chí
     2. to treat; to cure (disease)
     3. to exterminate; to kill
     4. to punish; to discipline; to teach someone a lesson
           -you! 有人 -zhi . 賤貨 ! - Ah! Finally there is someone to teach this nasty person a lesson!
     5. to research; to specialise in (a topic)
     6. socially stable
     1. Simplified form of 價
     2. goodjiè
     3. (literary) servant
     1. courtyard; yardyuàn
     2. public or government building; court
           電影院 - cinema
           醫院 - hospital
           法院 - law court
     3. institution; academy
           學院 - institute; academy
553 完全
     1. adv. completely; absolutely; entirelywánquán
           完全 正確 - absolutely correct
            完全 清醒。 - I'm wide awake.
            完全 知情。 - He is completely unaware of this.
            歌聲 好聽 完全 征服 。 - His singing voice captivated me.
           知識 一定 完全 來自 學校 教育社會 大學 。 - Knowledge does not come from schooling alone. Society is a kind of university.
     2. adj. complete
     1. (literary) this
            號碼 無法 接通。 - This number cannot be reached.
     2. (literary) here
            。 - Please press here.
     1. to receive; to welcome; to greet; to meetyíng
           歡迎 - welcome
     2. to flatter; to ingratiate with
     3. to face; to go against; to do something in face of ...; to forge ahead
           -著著zhe - to run against the wind
     4. (obsolete) to predict; to forecast
     5. (Min) to escort (a god, hero etc.) through the streets; to parade through the streets
     1. wave; breakerbō, pō
     2. undulation
     3. (physics) wave
           聲波 (shēngbō) - sound wave
           微波 (wēibō) - microwave
     4. (Sichuanese, including, Chongqing and Neijiang) elderly person
     5. Short for 波蘭, Poland
     1. Simplified form of 飯
     1. Simplified form of 隊
     1. (star) Sun
     2. daytime; time between sunrise and sunset
           日班 (rìbān) - day shift
     3. day; twenty-four hours
     4. everyday; daily; day-to-day
     5. day of the month
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