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     1. Simplified form of 貝
     1. Simplified form of 資
     1. (zh-used2, c)liú
     1. Simplified form of 腦
     1. Only used in 栲栳 (round-bottomed container made of willow or bamboo strips)lǎo
     1. Simplified form of 臉
     1. to know; to understand; to comprehendzhī
           ...... - One may know a person for a long time without understanding his true nature
            。 - I don't know.
           通知 - to inform
           知縣 - governor of a county
           知客 - receptionist at a ceremony
           知己 - close friend
     1. to belchè
     2. to hiccup; to hiccough
     3. um; uh; er (An interjection said when hesitating in speech)
     4. (onomatopoeia) chicken call
     5. (Cantonese) to deceive; to fool
     6. (Cantonese) to swindle
     7. (Used to indicate approval or shock.)e
     1. Simplified form of 瑪
     1. to substitute for; to displace
     2. for; in place of
            超市。 - He went to the supermarket for me. Originally, I was the person who should go to the supermarket
           需要 聯繫工程師 ? - Do you need me to contact an engineer for you?
     3. to decline; to go downhill; to be on the wane; to fall; to decay
731 玩笑
     1. n. joke (as speech or act, or figuratively)wánxiào
     2. v. to joke; to jest
732 真正
     1. adj. (attributive) genuine; real; truezhēnzhèng
           真正 男子漢 - a real man
            看看 真正 ^中國 到底 什麼 樣子zi。 - I want to see what the real China is like.
     2. adv. truly; really; genuinely
           真正 liǎo - to truly understand
           真正 意識shi 自己 錯誤wu - to genuinely recognise one's mistake
           沒有 真正 沒有 真正 任何 。 - No one has ever really loved him and he has never really loved anyone either.
     1. Variant of 畫
734 生命
     1. n. (, un) lifeshēngmìng
           生命 寶貴 - life is precious
           浪費 生命 - to waste one's life
           外星 生命 - extraterrestrial life
           生命 意義 - the meaning of life
           危及 某人 生命 - to endanger someone's life
           珍惜 生命拒絕 毒品。 - Cherish life, say no to drugs.
     1. brominexiù
     2. steamchòu
     1. Simplified form of 參
     2. (cln, zh, numeral symbols)
     1. bold; brave; daringgǎn
     2. to dare (to); to venture (to)
           我們 必須 。 - We must dare to think, speak up and act.
            眼看 。 - He didn't dare to look at her in the face.
            風雨 交加 夜晚 有人 出去。 - Very few people ventured to go out on that stormy night.
     3. to be sure; to be certain; to bet; to presume
            肯定 - to be sure, to be certain
738 甚至
     1. conj. even; even if; go so far as to; to the extent thatshènzhì
     1. Simplified form of 換
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