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220 heidät
     1. pron. The accusative plural of the personal pronoun he, in most cases translated into English them (direct object, only of human beings):
           Hän näki heidät.
              S/he saw them.
221 tarvitse
     1. v. indicative present connegative of tarvita
     2. v. second-person singular imperative present of tarvita
     3. v. second-person singular imperative present connegative of tarvita
222 teille
     1. pron. allative plural form of te
     2. n. allative plural form of tie
     3. n. allative plural form of tee
223 rakastan
     1. v. first-person singular indicative present of rakastaa
224 joo
     1. adv. (colloquial) yeah, yes
     2. interj. (colloquial) yeah! (expressing agreement)
225 varmasti
     1. adv. certainly, definitely, positively, surely
226 usko
     1. n. faith
     2. v. indicative present connegative of uskoa
     3. v. second-person singular imperative present of uskoa
     4. v. second-person singular imperative present connegative of uskoa
227 tuon
     1. pron. genitive and accusative singular form of tuo
     2. pron. (accusative) that (over there) (direct object, when the speaker points at the thing):
           Voisitko tehdä tuon?
              Could you please do that?
     3. pron. (genitive) of that (when the speaker points at the thing):
228 teen
     1. v. first-person singular present indicative of tehdä
     2. n. genitive singular form of tee
229 ikinä
     1. adv. (in question causes) ever
           Oletko ikinä nähnyt mitään noin suurta?
              Have you ever seen something that big?
     2. adv. (with the negation verb) never, not ... ever.
           En ole ikinä nähnyt mitään noin suurta.
230 kulta
     1. n. gold (metal)
     2. n. gold medal
     3. n. darling, dear, baby (term of endearment)
     4. pron. ablative singular form of kuka
231 tekee
     1. v. third-person singular present indicative of tehdä
232 kertoa
     1. v. to tell
           Kertoiko hän mitään eilisestä?
             Did s/he tell anything about yesterday?
     2. v. (arithmetic) to multiply
     3. v. to have it (to understand, believe, let believe)
233 haluaa
     1. v. third-person singular indicative present of haluta
234 olevan
     1. v. present active participle of olla in genitive singular
           Hän kuuluu olevan rikas.
             He is said to be rich.
           Haluan tuon ikkunassa olevan maljakon.
             I want that vase (that is) in that window.
235 heitä
     1. pron. partitive form of he
     2. v. indicative present connegative of heittää
     3. v. second-person singular imperative present of heittää
     4. v. second-person singular imperative present connegative of heittää
236 pian
     1. adv. soon
           Tule pian! - Come soon!
237 hienoa
     1. adj. partitive singular form of hieno
238 meille
     1. pron. allative form of me
239 vastaan
     1. adv. Back.
           hymyillä vastaan = to smile back
           taistella vastaan = to fight back
     2. adv. ottaa ~ = to receive, meet, accept.
     3. post. (+ partitive)
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