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260 ר
     1. Letter. The twentieth letter of the Hebrew alphabet.[[resh]]
     2. Letter. The numeral 200 in Hebrew numbering.
261 זונה
     1. n. female prostitute (who has sex for pay)zoná
     2. n. (rare, obsolete, disputed) female foodmonger
     3. v. masculine singular present participle and present tense of זָנָהzoné
     4. v. feminine singular present participle and present tense of זָנָהzoná
262 למעלה
     1. adv. Up, above, upstairs.l'mála
     2. adv. (figuratively) Upward, upwards (of a number): more than.
           למעלה מ־2,000 מפגינים (l'mála mi-2,000 mafginím) - upwards of 2,000 protestors
263 בני
     1. n. (בְּנֵי, b'né) plural construct form of בֵּן (ben).
     2. n. (בְּנִי, b'ní) singular form of בֵּן (ben) first-person singular personal pronoun as possessor.
     3. n. (בָּנַי, banáy) plural form of בֵּן (ben) first-person singular personal pronoun as possessor.
264 לגבי
     1. prep. About, regarding, in connection with, with respect to.l'gabéi
           יש לי כמה שאלות לגבי מה שאמרת. — yésh lí káma sh'elót l'gabéi má she'amárt(a). — I have some questions regarding what you said.
           הוא אופטימי לגבי עתידו. — hú optími l'gabéi atidó. — He is optimistic regarding his future.
265 מאוחר
     1. adj. late, belatedm'ukhár
266 כמעט
     1. adv. almostkim'át
267 לספר
     1. v. to-infinitive of סיפר (sipér).l'sapér
268 שמח
     1. adj. happysaméakh
     2. v. To be happy.samákh
     3. v. he-wv, tr=saméakh, שָׂמֵחַ masculine singular present participle and present tense of שָׂמַח (saméakh)
269 להתראות
     1. interj. Goodbye, bye, see you later.l'hitra'ót
     2. v. to-infinitive of התראה (hitra'á).
270 לבד
     1. adv. Alone, apart, not together, on one's own.l'vád
     2. adv. (with following pronoun) Alone, sole, only.
     3. n. Felt: a certain material made from wool, or from wool and fur.léved
271 שלוש
     1. num. three (3)shalósh
272 יופי
     1. n. beautyyófi
273 לגמרי
     1. adv. Totally, completely, entirely.l'gámre
           אתה צודק לגמרי. — atá tzodék l'gámre. — You are completely right.
274 מדוע
     1. adv. whymadúa
275 אליך
     1. prep. (אֵלֶיךָ, elékha) Form of אל (el) including second-person masculine singular personal pronoun as object
     2. prep. (אֵלַיִךְ, eláyikh) Form of אל (el) including second-person feminine singular personal pronoun as object
276 מפה
     1. n. mapmapá
     2. n. tablecloth
277 קודם
     1. prep. before, prior tokódem
     2. adv. before, earlier
278 חלק
     1. adj. Slippery.khalák
     2. adj. Smooth.
     3. adj. (colloquial) Uncomplicated, uneventful.
     4. adj. (colloquial) Uneventfully, without a problem.
     5. n. A part, a piece, a portion, a fraction.khélek
279 מ
     1. Letter. The thirteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet. ם is the terminal form of the letter (sofeet), used only at the end of a word.
     2. Letter. The numeral 40 in Hebrew numbering.
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