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240 חיים
     1. adj. living, alive: masculine plural of חַיkhayím
     2. n. life (period during which one is alive)ḥayím
     3. n. life (state of being alive)
     4. n. life (the process of life, all biological life)
     5. v. living, are living, live: masculine plural present participle and present tense of חי (khay).khayím
241 נעשה
     1. v. to be done, performed, executedna'asá
     2. v. to be made, created, brought into being.
     3. v. to become, turn into.
     4. v. first-person plural future tense (prefix conjugation) of עָשָׂה (asá).na'asé
242 הבית
     1. n. singular definite form of בַּיִת (báyit).habáyit
243 ש
     1. Letter. The twenty-first and twenty-second letters of the Hebrew alphabet.[[shin]], [[sin]]
           שׁ is shin, representing (IPAchar, /ʃ/), /S/
           שׂ is sin, representing /s/
     2. Letter. The numeral 300 in Hebrew numbering.
244 ידי
     1. n. (יְדֵי, y'dé) plural construct form of יָד (yád).-
     2. n. (יָדִי, yadí) singular form of יָד (yád) first-person singular personal pronoun as possessor.
     3. n. (יָדַי, yadáy) plural form of יָד (yád) first-person singular personal pronoun as possessor.
245 בוקר
     1. n. A morning, dawn.bóker
     2. n. A cowboy, cattleman.bokér
     3. v. to be visitedbukár
     4. v. to be examined, to be criticised
246 עשה
     1. v. To do: to take an action, to accomplish a thing.asá
     2. v. To make: to create.
     3. v. To make: to cause to be.
           עוֹשֶׂה שָׁלוֹם בִּמְרוֹמָיו הוּא יַעֲשֶׂה שָׁלוֹם עָלֵינוּ וְעַל כָּל יִשְׂרָאֵל - He who makes peace in his high places, may he make peace upon us and upon all Isr
     4. v. (slang) To say: to utter.
247 המקום
248 הבא
     1. n. He who or that which is arriving: singular definite form of בָּא (bá).habá
           ברוך הבא (barúch habá) - Welcome! literally blessed is he who is arriving
     2. adj. Next; the one after the current; to come.
           שבוע הבא (shavúa habá) - next week literally week that comes
     3. v. masculine singular imperative of הביא (heví)havé
249 מקווה
     1. n. Mikvah, mikveh.mikva'ót
250 חשוב
     1. adj. important
251 אלו
     1. pron. (demonstrative) theseélu
     2. pron. (archaic, interrogative) which
     3. det. these
     4. det. (archaic, interrogative) which
     5. conj. if, should, hadílu
252 גבר
     1. n. man (an adult male human being)géver
     2. n. strong man, hero
     3. v. to become stronger, gain powergavár
     4. v. to overpower, conquer, vanquish, defeat
     5. n. rooster, cock, chicken (only male)géver
253 ללא
     1. prep. withoutl'ló
254 במקום
     1. prep. Instead of, in lieu of, in place of.bim'qóm
     2. adv. (colloquial) Instead.
     3. adj. In place, in its place, in order.bamakóm
255 משנה
     1. n. deputymishné
     2. adv. double
     3. n. a paragraph of the Mishna (part of the Talmud)mishná
     4. n. doctrine
     5. v. masculine singular present of שִׁנָּהm'shané
256 להרוג
     1. v. to-infinitive of הרג (harág).laharóg
257 שמעתי
     1. v. first-person singular past tense (suffix conjugation) of שָׁמַע (shamá)shamá'ti
258 העולם
     1. n. the world: singular definite form of עוֹלָם (olám).ha'olám
259 ספר
     1. n. bookséfer
     2. n. (archaic) a writing
     3. n. barbersapár
     4. v. to countsafár
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