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300 עלינו
     1. prep. Form of על (al) including first-person plural personal pronoun as objectalénu
301 לעבוד
     1. v. to-infinitive of עבד (avád).la`avód
302 השם
     1. n. singular definite form of שֵׁם (shém)hashém
303 לאחר
     1. prep. After, at a later time than.l'akhár
304 למען
     1. prep. For the sake (benefit or regard) of (a person or thing).l'máan
     2. prep. With the intent or purpose of (a result).
305 מוזר
     1. adj. strange, odd, bizarre, unusual, weird
306 בתוך
     1. prep. inside, withinb'tókh
307 איזו
     1. det. What, which; used in forming questions.éizo
           באיזו מכללה לימדת? (b'éizo mikh'lala limád't(a)?) - What college did you teach at?
           עם איזו מהן דיברת? (im éizo meihén dibárt(a)?) - Which of them did you talk to?
     2. det. What, which; used in forming interrogative content clauses.
           עוד לא החליטנו איזו תוכנית נראה הערב. ('od lo hekhlátnu éizo tokh'nít nir'á ha'érev.) - We haven't decided what program we're going to see tonight.
308 חזק
     1. adj. (of a, person or the like) Strong (capable of producing much physical force).
     2. adj. (of a, structure or the like) Strong (capable of withstanding much physical force).
     3. adj. (of a, current, a blow(,) or the like) Strong (having much force).
     4. adj. Strong (having a high concentration of an essential or active ingredient).
     5. adj. (of a, sound) Loud.
309 לפחות
     1. prep. at leastl'fakhot
           אני רוצה לפחות שבעה ילדים. (ani rotse l'fakhot shiv'a y'ladim) - I want at least seven kids.
           אולי אני מתנהג כמו ילד אבל לפחות אני לא לובש חיתולים (ulay ani mitnaheg kmo yeled aval l'fakhot ani lo lovesh khitulim.) - Maybe I act like a child but at least I don't wea
310 אמרה
     1. v. (אָמְרָה, am'rá) third-person feminine singular past tense (suffix conjugation) of אָמַר (amár).-
311 ביחד
     1. adv. togetherb'yákhad
312 כנראה
     1. adv. Apparently, seemingly.kanir'é
           כנראה שלא נגמר. (kanir'é sheló nigmár.) - Apparently it didn't end.
           הוא הפסיק, כנראה בגלל הרעש. (hu hifsík, kanir'é biglál hará'ash.) - He stopped, apparently because of the noise.
     2. adv. probably
313 בת
     1. n. daughterbat
     2. n. By analogy to ב – a direct female descendent:
           בת חוה (bat khavá) - daughter of Eve
     3. n. A girl, a gal
     4. n. (construct only) Used in expressing the age of a woman, a girl(,) or the referent of a feminine noun: age, aged.
314 אלא
     1. conj. but, exceptelá
           אָבִינוּ מַלְכֵּנוּ אֵין לָנוּ מֶלֶךְ אֶלָּא אַתָּה. (Avínu malkéinu éin lánu mélekh elá atá.) - Our Father, our King, we have no king but You.
315 כאשר
     1. conj. When, as, at the time that.ka'ashér
316 ימים
     1. n. plural of יוֹם sc=Hebryamím
     2. n. plural of ים sc=Hebr
317 אתכם
     1. prep. Form of אֶת (et) including second-person masculine plural personal pronoun as objectetchém
     2. prep. he-Form of prep, אֶת, p=2, n=p, g=m, .=, in the "with" sense: now construed as an inflection of עit'chém
318 אעשה
     1. v. first-person singular future tense (prefix conjugation) of עָשָׂה (asá).eesé
319 משחק
     1. n. a gamemiskhák
     2. n. a match
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