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400 לשמור
     1. v. to-infinitive of שמר (shamár).lishmór
401 שמי
     1. adj. Semitic
     2. n. Form with a singular first-person possessor of שֵׁם: my name.sh'mí
402 ימי
     1. n. (יְמֵי, y'mé) plural construct form of יוֹם (yom): days of.-
     2. n. (יָמַי, yamáy) plural form of יוֹם (yom) first-person singular personal pronoun as possessor: my days.
     3. n. (יָמָי, yamáy) plural form of יוֹם (yom) first-person singular personal pronoun as possessor: my days.
403 שכן
     1. v. to dwell, resideshakhán
     2. v. to be housed, located
     3. n. neighborshakhén
     4. adj. neighboring
404 סיפור
     1. n. A story: a sequence of real or fictional events, or an account thereof.sipúr
405 סלח
     1. v. to forgivesalákh
     2. v. to excuse
406 רציני
     1. adj. (he-adj-i, tr=r'tsiní, wv=רְצִינִי, mp2=yes)
     2. adj. Serious, somber, sober, earnest: not joking, not in jest.
     3. adj. Serious, grave, significant: of great size or importance.
407 פחות
     1. det. Less, fewer.pakhót
     2. adv. Less, less often, with less intensity, to a lesser extent.
     3. pron. Less, fewer.
           למה קיבלתי פחות ממנו? (Láma kibálti pakhót miménu?) - Why did I get less than him?
           פחות באו מאשר ציפתי. (Pakhót bá'u masher tzipíti.) - Fewer came than I had expected.
408 מדברים
     1. v. masculine plural present participle and present tense of דיבר (dibér).m'dab'rím
     2. n. plural of מִדְבָּרmidbarím
409 שאלה
     1. n. questionsh'elá
           יש לי שאלה בשבילך. - I have a question for you.
410 סיכוי
     1. n. A chance, probability, possibility.sikúi
411 אחרים
     1. n. plural indefinite form of אחרakherím
412 הללו
     1. v. masculine plural imperative of g=mhal'lú
413 נכנס
     1. v. (intransitive) To enter; to go in or come in.nikhnás
414 ראשון
     1. adj. firstrishón
     2. n. (historical, Judaism) One of the Rishonim, Jewish sages after the Geonim but prior to the Shulchan Aruch.
415 בהם
     1. prep. Form of ב־ (b'-) including third-person masculine plural personal pronoun as objectbahém
416 אדון
     1. n. lordadón
     2. n. (preceding a man's name) Mr.
417 במה
     1. n. A platform for performing, a stage.bamá
418 שווה
     1. adj. equal, identical (the same in all respects, having the same value)shavé
     2. adj. worth (having the value of)
           כולם שווים בפני החוק, חוץ מאלה ששווים יותר. (kolám shavím bifnéi hakhók, khúts mialé sheshavím yotér.) - Everyone is equal before the law, except those who are worth more.
     3. adj. (colloquial) deserving, worthy, worthwhile
419 טיפש
     1. n. fooltipésh
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