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420 אראה
     1. v. first-person singular future of רָאָה'er'é
     2. v. first-person singular future of נִרְאָה'era'é
     3. v. first-person singular future of הֶרְאָה'ar'é
421 מלא
     1. adj. Full (of), filled (with).malé
     2. adj. Whole, total, full, complete.
           ליקוי מלא (likúi malé) - a total eclipse
           דגנים מלאים (d'ganím m'le'ím) - whole grains
           שוויון מלא בין המינים (shivyón malé ben haminím) - full equality between the sexes
422 לפי
     1. prep. According to, per.l'fí-
423 שבוע
     1. n. A week; a period of seven days.shavúa
424 מגניב
     1. adj. (colloquial) cool; great (fashionable, trendy or popular)
     2. interj. cool!, great!
425 איתנו
     1. prep. Form of את (ét) including first-person plural personal pronoun as objectitánu
     2. prep. Form of עם (ím) including first-person plural personal pronoun as object
426 שונה
     1. adj. different (not the same)shoné
     2. v. to be changed, to be alteredshuna
427 חסר
     1. adj. absent, missing
     2. adj. deficient
428 מחפש
     1. v. masculine singular present participle and present tense of חיפש (khipés).m'khapés
429 ישר
     1. adj. right, straightyashár
     2. adj. right, correct (complying with justice)
     3. adj. (colloquial) honestly, straightforwardly, forthrightly
     4. adj. (slang) immediately, right away
           אני ישר בא אליך. - I'm coming to you right away.
430 חדשות
     1. adj. feminine plural form of חָדָשׁ (khadásh): new.khadashót
     2. n. (plural only) news
431 חדר
     1. n. roomkhéder
           ישבתי בחדרי. (yashávti bekhadrí) - I sat in my room.
           נכנסו לחדר גדול ועגול. (nichnásnu lekhéder gadól ve'agól) - We entered into a big and round room.
           הם גרים בדירה בעלת ארבעה חדרים. (hem garím bedirá baʿlát ʾarbaʿá khadarím) - They live in a flat with four rooms.
     2. n. cheder
432 מצוין
     1. adj. Excellent, perfect.m'tsuyán
     2. v. masculine singular present participle and present tense of צוין צֻיַּן (tzuyán).m'tzuyán
433 ים
     1. n. sea, oceanyam
     2. n. (slang) a lot
     3. n. the bottom grindstone (used for grinding flour)
434 עזרה
     1. n. helpʿezra
435 כדור
     1. n. A ball or orb or other spherical object.kadúr
           הילדים העבירו ביניהם את הכדור. (hay'ladím he'evíru beinéhem et hakadúr.) - The children passed the ball to one another.
     2. n. (geometry) A ball: a three-dimensional solid enclosed by a sphere.
     3. n. (geometry, loosely) A sphere: a three-dimensional surface consisting of points equidistant from a center.
     4. n. (mathematics) A ball: the subset of a metric space that consists of all points within a certain distance from a given point.
436 באה
     1. v. third-person feminine singular past tense (suffix conjugation) of בָּא (ba)báa
     2. v. feminine singular present participle and present tense of בָּא (ba)baá
     3. n. her coming: singular form of בּוֹא (bó) third-person feminine singular personal pronoun as possessor.bo'áh
437 הלך
     1. v. to walk, go, especially on foothalákh
           הָלַכְתִּי לַחֲנוּת לִקְנוֹת כַּמָּה סְפָרִים חֲדָשִׁים. (halákhti lakhanút liknót káma s'farím khadashím.) - I went to the store to buy a few new books.
     2. v. to happen, go on
     3. v. to go away, depart
     4. v. (colloquial) to go well
438 לשתות
     1. v. to-infinitive of שָׁתָה (shatá).lishtót
439 מעבר
     1. n. A passage, passing-place, crossing, crosswalk.ma`avár
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