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460 שונא
     1. n. hater, enemysoné
461 מפני
     1. prep. Against: intended to prevent or repel.mip'néi-
462 זין
     1. n. (dated) arms, weaponszáyin
     2. n. (vulgar, slang) dick, cock
463 שקט
     1. v. rest, be in peaceshakat
     2. adj. serene‏, peaceful‏‏‏‏‏
     3. adj. silent, quiet
     4. n. serenity‏, rest‏‏‏‏shéket
     5. n. silence‏‏‏‏, quietness
464 אביך
     1. n. (he-Form of sing cons, אָב, p=2, g=m, n=s, .=., tr=av)avícha
     2. n. (he-Form of sing cons, אָב, p=2, g=f, n=s, .=., tr=av)avích
465 חן
     1. n. charm, grace, likeabilitychén
466 מצוות
     1. n. plural of מִצְוָהmitsvót
467 רוח
     1. n. windrúach
     2. n. breath
     3. n. spirit
468 מוקדם
     1. adj. earlymukdám
     2. adv. early
469 מאיתנו
     1. prep. Form of מ־ (mi-) including first-person plural personal pronoun as objectmei'itánu
470 מושלם
     1. adj. perfect, flawlessmushlám
     2. adj. ideal; complete
471 עניין
     1. n. interest, something one finds interesting'inyán
     2. n. matter, issue
           זה רק עניין של זמן. (ze rak 'inyán shel zman.) - It's only a matter of time.
     3. n. business
           עניין לא גמור ('inyán lo gamúr) - unfinished business
472 כוח
     1. n. Strength: the physical ability to do work, to lift something, to walk, and so on.kóakh
     2. n. Strength, power: the quality of being strong or powerful.
     3. n. (physics) Force, a force.
     4. n. Power, ability, capacity.
           כוח הדיבור — kóakh-hadibúr — the power of speech, the ability to speak
473 המון
     1. n. crowdhamón
     2. adv. (colloquial) plenty, lots of, loads, tons
           אכלתי המון פיצה. (akhaltí hamón pitsá.) - I ate lots of pizza.
474 פי
     1. n. construct form of פֶּהpi
475 אינו
     1. part. masculine third-person singular of אֵיןeinó
476 דם
     1. n. blooddam
477 למרות
     1. prep. Despite, in spite of, notwithstanding, even though.lamrót
           היא מטגנת לביבות, למרות שהיא יודעת שהוא שונא מזון מטוגן. - She fries latkes, even though she knows that he hates fried food.
478 לאט
     1. adv. slowlyl'at
479 כבוד
     1. n. honorkavód
     2. n. respect
     3. n. esteem
     4. n. dignity, self-respect
     5. n. reputation
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