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480 ס
     1. Letter. Samekh: the fifteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet.s
     2. Letter. (Used as the numeral 60 in Hebrew numbering.)
     3. Letter. (Used to mark the end of a setumah.)
481 אלייך
     1. prep. Form of אל (el) including second-person feminine singular personal pronoun as objecteláyikh
482 משוגע
     1. adj. crazy, insanem'shugá'
     2. v. masculine singular present participle and present tense of שוגע (shugá).m'shugá
483 שטויות
     1. n. nonsense, drivel, idiocy, bullcrap, poppycockshtuyót
484 שרה
     1. n. (Biblical Hebrew) lady, princess, queensará
     2. v. to be or become great, prince-like
     3. v. to contend, struggle, wrestle, overcome
     4. v. (literary) (intransitive) to soak, permeateshará
     5. v. (Biblical Hebrew) to let loose
485 צוות
     1. n. A crew, a squad, a team.tsévet
           עבודת צוות — avodát-tsévetteamwork
           צוות האונייה — tsévet-ha'oniyá — the ship's crew
           צוות השתלטות — tsévet-hishtal'tút — a boarding party
           צוות הפיתוח — tsévet-hapitúakh — the (software) development team
486 גברים
     1. n. plural indefinite form of גֶּבֶר (géver): men.g'varim
487 קורא
     1. n. A reader.koré
           אפשר להשיג קורא כרטיסים בכל חנות מחשבים.
             efshár l'hasíg koré kartisím b'khól khanút makhshevím.
             It is possible to obtain a card reader at any computer store.
     2. v. masculine singular present participle and present tense of קרא (kará).
488 רחוק
     1. adj. far, distant; remoterakhók
     2. adv. farrakhok
489 מיוחד
     1. adj. unique, specialm'yuchád
     2. v. masculine singular present participle and present tense of יוחד (yukhád).m'yukhád
490 שמו
     1. n. singular form of שֵׁם (shém) third-person masculine singular personal pronoun as possessor.sh'mó
     2. v. third-person plural past tense (suffix conjugation) of שָׁם (shám).shámu
     3. v. third-person plural past tense (suffix conjugation) of שָׂם (sám).sámu
     4. v. third-person masculine singular past tense (suffix conjugation) of שָׂם (sám) with a third-person masculine singular pronoun suffixed as direct object.samó
491 שמחה
     1. n. (sense, A state of mind, an emotion) joy, happiness, glee.simkhá
     2. n. Any behaviour that comes from that state of mind/emotion: a party, being pleased, etc.
     3. v. he-wv, tr=sam'khá, שָׂמְחָה third-person feminine singular past tense (suffix conjugation) of שָׂמַח (sam'khá)-
492 כיף
     1. n. funkeif
493 ניתן
     1. v. To be given; passive of נתןnitán
     2. v. masculine singular present participle and present tense of ניתן (nitán).
494 מאחורי
     1. prep. Behind, in back of.me'akhoréi
495 כיצד
     1. adv. howkeytsád
496 אצל
     1. prep. At or to the home or office of (a person), or the like.'étsel
           הייתי אתמול אצל רותי. (hayíti 'etmól 'étsel rúti.) - I was at Ruthie’s yesterday.
     2. prep. With, in the possession of.
           אצל מי הספר? ('étsel mí haséfer?) - (literally) With whom is the book? — (idiomatically) Who has the book?
     3. prep. (archaic) Next to, by, alongside.
497 חבל
     1. n. ropekhével
     2. n. (colloquial) clothesline
     3. n. pitykhavál
498 גברתי
     1. n. miss, madam, my lady (used in addressing a woman)g'virtí
499 דוד
     1. n. (A person's) uncle: a parent's sibling, or an aunt's husband.dod
     2. n. (A person's) beloved.
     3. n. (hbo) a cauldrondud
     4. n. (hence, modern) a water heater
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