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500 דוקטור
     1. n. (colloquial) doctordóktor
501 חג
     1. n. A holiday (a day on which a festival or celebration is observed).chág
     2. n. (Judaism) Any of Passover, Pentecost, Tabernacles(,) and Shemini Atzeret.
     3. v. to circle
502 בוודאי
     1. adv. certainly, surely, for sureb'vadáy
           זֶה בְּוַדַּאי הַמָּקוֹם. (ze bevadái ha'maqóm.) - This must be the place. literally: This is certainly the place
503 הוד
     1. n. majestyhód
     2. n. splendour, freshness, beauty
504 מילה
     1. n. circumcisionmilá
     2. n. word
505 הארץ
     1. n. of אֶרֶץha'árets
506 רצה
     1. v. To want.ratsá
           אני חושב שזה בדיוק מה שרציתי (ani khoshev sheze bidyuk ma sheratsiti.) - I think that's exactly what I wanted.
           אם תרצו אין זו אגדה. (im tirtsú ein zo agadá.) - If you plural want it, it is not a legend.
           היא רוצה להיות נשיאה. (hi rotsá lihyot nesi'á.) - She wants to be President female.
     2. v. (in the Bible) accept, choose
507 יצא
     1. v. (intransitive) To go out (of, from), come out (of, from), exit (from), leave, depart, get out (of, from).yatsá
           התלמידה יצאה מן הכיתה והלכה לחצר. (hatalmida yatz'a min hakita v'halkha lakhatzer) - The (female) student left the classroom and went to the courtyard.
     2. v. (intransitive) To come out, come away.
           הוא יצא מן התאונה בשריטות קלות בלבד. (hu yatza min hat'una bish'ritot kalot bil'vad.) - He came out of the accident with only minor scrapes.
     3. v. (intransitive) To come out, result, be produced.
508 נתן
     1. v. to givenatán
     2. v. to allow, permit, let
     3. v. (archaic) to put, place
     4. v. (archaic, hbo) to turn into
509 שניות
     1. n. plural indefinite form of שנייה (sh'niyá)sh'niyot
510 ידע
     1. n. Knowledge: that which is known (to a given knower).yéda
     2. v. To know (a fact).yadá
           לא, אני לא רוצה לדעת למה היא ישנה עם הנעליים שלו.
             lo, ani lo rotse/rotsa lada'at lama hi y'shena im hana'alayim shelo.
             No, I don't want to know why she sleeps with his shoes.
511 יכולת
     1. n. Ability, capability, power: the ability to do something.y'khólet
     2. n. Ability, capability, power: something that one is able to do.
512 מין
     1. n. kindmin
     2. n. species
     3. n. gender, sex
     4. n. sex (sexual intercourse)
     5. n. (grammar) gender
513 דקה
     1. adj. feminine singular indefinite of דַּקdaká
     2. n. minutedaka
514 תרצה
     1. v. second-person masculine singular future tense (prefix conjugation) of רצה (ratsá)tirtse
515 ראה
     1. v. To see, to have vision; figuratively, to perceive.ra'á
           רָאִיתִי חָבֵר שֶׁלִּי בַּחֲנוּת וְשָׁכַחְתִּי לִקְנוֹת חָלָב. (ra'íti khavér shelí bakhanút v'shakhákhti liknót khaláv.) - I saw a friend of mine at the store and forgot t
     2. v. (archaic) To observe, look at; figuratively, to consider.
     3. v. (רְאֵה, r'é) masculine singular imperative of ראה
516 הצילו
     1. v. masculine plural imperative of g=m (hitzíl)hatzílu
     2. interj. Help: cry of distress or an urgent request for assistance.
517 נוסף
     1. adj. additional
518 אופן
     1. n. way, mannerófen
     2. n. (poetic or dated) A wheel (circular device on an axle).ofán
     3. n. (Judaism) An angel of a particular kind.
     4. n. (Judaism) Any of various poems added on red-letter days to the morning prayer service at the passage והאופנים…‏‎.
519 צעיר
     1. adj. Young (in the early part of life or growth).tza'ír
     2. n. A young (male) person, a (male) youth.
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