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580 ברוך
     1. adj. blessedbarúkh
581 אוקי
     1. interj. OK, okay
582 גר
     1. n. A foreigner, a stranger: one who sojourns in a foreign place.ger
     2. n. (Judaism) A convert to Judaism, a convert, a proselyte.
     3. v. (He/it; past tense) dwelled, he resided, he livedgar
     4. v. (I/you/he/it; present tense) dwell, live, reside
583 חייך
     1. v. to smilekhiyékh
     2. n. Form with a suffix indicating a singular second-person possessor of חַיִּיםkhayékha / khayáikh
584 גבוה
     1. adj. high; tall: having a great height.gavóah
           ההר הגבוה במדינה (hahár hagavóah bam'diná) - the highest mountain in the state
           הילדים היו גבוהים כמעט כמוני! (hay'ladím hayú g'vohím kim'át kamóni!) - The children were almost as tall as I am!
     2. adj. high, large
           רמה גבוהה של ויטמין D (ramá g'vohá shél vitamín dí) - a high level of vitamin D
585 מתוך
     1. prep. From, out of.mitókh
           קוד שתיים-מתוך-חמש (kód shtáyim-mitókh-khamésh) - two-out-of-five code
           דיבור מתוך שינה (dibúr mitókh sheiná) - talking in one's sleep
           בא מתוך הלב (bá mitókh halév) - to come from the heart
     2. n. medium, middlemanmetavéch
586 סבתא
     1. n. grandmothersávta
587 הבנת
     1. n. singular construct form of הֲבָנָהhavanát-
588 מלחמה
     1. n. (or un) war, battlemilkhamá
589 שחור
     1. n. blacknessshkhor
     2. adj. black
590 אקדח
     1. n. a gunekdákh
591 לבקש
     1. v. to-infinitive of ביקש (bikésh).l'vakésh
592 שמונה
     1. num. eight (8)shmóne
     2. num. eightshmoná
593 סרט
     1. n. A ribbon.séret
     2. n. (hence) A movie, film, moving picture.
594 רצית
     1. v. second-person masculine singular past tense (suffix conjugation) of רצה (ratsá)ratsíta
     2. v. second-person feminine singular past tense (suffix conjugation) of רצה (ratsá)ratsít
595 חיה
     1. adj. living, alive: feminine singular of חַיkhayá
     2. n. animal (organism other than man)
     3. n. animal (person who behaves wildly)
     4. v. living, lives: feminine singular present participle and present tense of חי (khaya).
596 זקן
     1. n. A beard.zaqán
     2. adj. old, elderly, aged
     3. n. elder, sagezaqén
     4. v. To grow old, to grow elderly, to age.zaqán
597 ז
     1. Letter. The seventh letter of the Hebrew alphabet.[[zayin]]
     2. Letter. The numeral 7 in Hebrew numbering.
598 שאף
     1. v. inhaledshaáf
     2. v. aspired
599 גאה
     1. adj. proudge'e
           אני גאה בך. (ani ge'e b'kha) - I'm proud of you. (man speaking to man)
           אני גאה בך. (ani g'a bakh) - I'm proud of you. (woman speaking to woman)
     2. adj. LGBT, gay
           הקהילה הגאה. (hak'hilá hagea.) - The gay/LGBT community.
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