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600 האחרים
     1. n. of אחרhaakherím
601 קול
     1. n. voice (also in its figurative senses of opinion or order)kol
     2. n. sound (see also צליל)
     3. n. (Modern) vote
     4. adj. (colloquial) cool person
     5. adj. (colloquial) fashionable, popular (person or thing)
602 ת
     1. Letter. The twenty-second and final letter of the Hebrew alphabet.[[tav]]
     2. Letter. The numeral 400 in Hebrew numbering.
603 אוה
     1. v. To wish for, covet, (greatly) desire, be desirous, long, lust (after).ivá
604 עמוק
     1. adj. deep
605 שלח
     1. v. (He/it) sent (someone or something): caused to go.shalách
     2. v. (He) moved (something) physically away from his body.
     3. v. (intransitive) (He/it) sent messengers or letters.
     4. v. (שָׁלֹחַ, shalóach) infinitive of שָׁלַח
     5. v. (שֹׁלֵחַ, sholéach) masculine singular present participle and present tense of שָׁלַח
606 הרג
     1. v. to kill (put to death).harág
           אתה הורג אותי. (atá horég otí.) - You're killing me.
     2. v. (הֹרֵג, horég) masculine singular present participle and present tense of הָרַג
     3. v. (הָרֹג, haróg) infinitive of הָרַג
     4. n. killing, murder, slaughter, massacrehéreg
607 תלוי
     1. adj. (literally, of a thing) Hanging, suspended, or hung (on or from something).
           גשר תלוי — gésher talúisuspension bridge
           תלוי על קולב — talúi al koláv — hanging on a clothes hanger
     2. adj. (specifically, of a person or body) Hanged: having been hanged.
           תלוי על צלב — talúi al tslav — crucified (literally hanged on a cross)
608 צהריים
     1. n. Noon, midday.tsohoráyim
609 התחיל
     1. v. (intransitive) To start, to begin.hitkhíl
     2. v. To start, to begin.
610 הלכתי
     1. adj. (he-adj-i, wv=הִלְכָתִי, tr=hil'khatí)
     2. adj. halachic
611 בעצם
     1. adv. Actually, in fact.b'étzem
     2. prep. By ___self, on ___'s own, without assistance.b'étzem-
612 קום
     1. v. bare infinitive (gerund) of קםkum
     2. v. masculine singular imperative of g=m (kam) Rise!
613 אגב
     1. conj. by the way'agav
614 בירה
     1. n. palacebirá
     2. n. capital city
     3. n. beerbíra
615 פתח
     1. n. doorwaypétakh
     2. n. entrance
     3. n. opening
     4. v. to open (something)patákh
     5. n. patach (Hebrew diacritical mark)
616 נעלם
     1. v. to disappearne'elám
     2. adj. (he-adj-auto, wv=נֶעֱלָם, f=ת)
     3. adj. hidden, concealed; mysterious
617 לאחרונה
     1. adv. Recently, lately, of late.la'akharoná
618 מסיבה
     1. n. A party: a social gathering for entertainment and fun.m'sibá
619 צורך
     1. n. need, necessity, requirementtsórekh
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