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620 תינוק
     1. n. baby, infant (male)tinok
621 תאמר
     1. v. second-person masculine singular future tense (prefix conjugation) of אָמַר (amár).tomár
     2. v. third-person feminine singular future tense (prefix conjugation) of אָמַר (amár).
622 מפחיד
     1. adj. Scary, frightening.
     2. v. masculine singular present participle and present tense of הפחיד (hifkhíd).mafkhíd
623 חזר
     1. v. to return (to come back after some period of time, or at regular intervals)chazár
624 לכתוב
     1. v. to-infinitive of כתב (katáv).likhtóv
625 בשר
     1. n. fleshbasár
     2. n. body, person
     3. n. genitals of a man
     4. n. kin, kind
     5. n. nakedness, skin
626 עולם
     1. n. (The) world: (the) Earth, (the) globe.'olám
     2. n. (The) world: the states and nations of the world.
     3. n. A world: an area, a field of study.
     4. n. Ever, eternity.
     5. n. A world: the entirety of a person's life and experience.
627 נמאס
     1. v. to get fed up, to have had itnim'ás
           העבודה הזאת נמאסה עליי. (ha'avodá hazót nim'asá 'aláy.) - I've had it with this job.
           נמאס לי לעבוד קשה בעבור שכר נמוך. (nim'ás li la'avód qashé be'avúr sachár namúch.) - I'm fed up with working hard for low pay.
628 אור
     1. n. Light, visible light: electromagnetic radiation of a frequency perceptible to the eye.or
     2. n. (more generally) Light: electromagnetic radiation (of any frequency).
     3. n. A light, a light source.
     4. n. Fire.
     5. n. Light, understanding.
629 קרב
     1. v. to approach.karáv
     2. n. battle, warkrav
     3. n. fight
630 כוס
     1. n. A cup, glass, tumbler.kos
     2. n. little owl (species of owl)
     3. n-m. (vulgar, taboo slang) A pussy (vagina).kus
631 חדשים
     1. adj. plural of חָדָשׁkhadashím
     2. n. plural of חֹדֶשׁkhodashím
632 שעבר
     1. adj. last (most recent)she`avár
633 סמל
     1. n. symbolsémel
     2. n. emblem
     3. n. coat of arms
     4. n. (military ranks) sergeantsamál
634 רופא
     1. v. (of art) to be restoredrupá
     2. n. medical doctor, physicianrofé
635 מנהל
     1. n. bossmenahél
     2. n. director
     3. n. headmaster
     4. n. manager
     5. n. principal
636 עלה
     1. v. To ascend, rise, go up; to move from a point to a higher point.alá
           אני לא האדם החכם בעולם אבל אפילו אני יודע שהשמש עולה במזרח. (aní lo ha-adám ha-khakhám ba-olám avál afilú aní yodéa sheha-shémesh olá ba-mizrákh.) - I'm not the smartest man in th
     2. v. To cost.
           אני מקווה שזה לא יעלה הרבה. (aní m'kavé shezé lo ya'alé harbé.) - I hope this won't cost a lot.
     3. v. To grow.
637 חופשי
     1. adj. (he-adj-i, tr=khofshí, dwv=חָפְשִׁי, mp2=t)
     2. adj. free (not imprisoned)
     3. adj. free, gratis (free of charge)
638 משחקים
     1. n. plural indefinite form of מִשְׂחָקmis'khaqím
639 ם
     1. Letter. The letter מ used in a final position.[[mem]]
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