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660 מאות
     1. n. plural indefinite form of מֵאָה (méʾa): hundredsmeʾot
661 הולדת
     1. n. birthhulédet
662 יוצאת
     1. v. feminine singular present participle and present tense of יָצָא (yatsá).yotsét
663 יבוא
     1. v. third-person masculine singular future tense (prefix conjugation) of בָּא (ba).yavó
664 ראשונה
     1. n. beginningrishoná
     2. adj. feminine singular indefinite form of רִאשׁוֹן (rishón).
665 סימן
     1. n. A mark: an indication for reference or measurement.simán
     2. n. A sign
     3. v. to mark, indicatesimén
     4. v. to gesture
666 במהירות
     1. adv. Quickly, rapidly, fast.bim'hirút
667 חלום
     1. n. dreamkhalóm
668 עבד
     1. n. A slave, a serf.'éved
     2. n. (archaic) A servant, a worshipper (of God).
     3. n. (BDSM) A slave, a submissive.
     4. v. to work, laboravád
     5. v. to work, operate, function
669 עוף
     1. n. A bird (as covered with feathers, or rather as covering with wings), often collective: - bird, that flieth, flying, fowl.of
     2. n. poultry (meat)
670 כוכב
     1. n. starkokháv
671 סבא
     1. n. grandfathersába
672 טעם
     1. n. taste (sense)tá'am
     2. n. taste, flavour (objective quality of a substance as perceived by the sense of taste)
     3. n. logic, a reason, a point
           אין טעם לצעוק כי הוא לא ישמע. - The is no logic to yelling because he will not hear.
     4. n. (linguistics) a stress, an accent
673 קו
     1. n. line (path through two or more points)kav
674 ידידי
     1. n. plural construct form of יָדִידy'didéi
675 פגישה
     1. n. A meeting: an instance of meeting.p'gishá
     2. n. Meeting: the act of meeting.
676 תה
     1. n. tea
677 עסוק
     1. n. An activity, an occupation.isúk
     2. n. A profession, a job.
     3. adj. busyasúk
678 סגור
     1. adj. closed
679 מצליח
     1. adj. Successful.
     2. v. masculine singular present participle and present tense of הצליח (hitzlíakh).matzlíakh
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