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680 ברירה
     1. n. a choiceb'rera
681 ארוך
     1. adj. Long: having a great distance from one end to the other.'arókh
     2. adj. Long: of great duration.
     3. adj. Used in the construct state, with a noun complement.
           אישה ארוכת שיער (ishá arukát-se'ár) - a long-haired woman
           אספרג ארוך־עלים (asparág arókh-alím) - Asparagus horridus literally long-leaved asparagus
682 לחץ
     1. n. Pressure.lákhatz
     2. n. (figuratively) Pressure.
     3. v. To press, apply pressure.lakhátz
     4. v. (figuratively) To press, apply pressure.
     5. v. (computing) To press, to click (a button or link).
683 בר
     1. n. Grainbar
     2. adj. Clean, pure
           אנו שומרים על בית בר. (anu shomrim al bayit bar.) - We keep a clean house.
     3. n. Son.
     4. n. Owner.
684 אנשי
     1. n. plural construct form of אִישׁanshé
685 לרדת
     1. v. to-infinitive of ירד (yarád).larédet
686 עשרים
     1. num. twenty'esrím
687 רגיל
     1. adj. regular, usualragíl
     2. adj. used to
688 משקה
     1. n. drink, beveragemashke
689 שיר
     1. n. a songshir
     2. n. a poem
690 תבוא
     1. v. masculine second-person singular future of בָּאtavó
     2. v. feminine third-person singular future of בָּא
691 הבנות
     1. n. plural of הֲבָנָהhavanót
692 לשעבר
     1. adj. Former, past, previous, erstwhile, sometime.l'she'avár
           הנשיא לשעבר — hanasí l'she'avár — the former president
693 האור
     1. n. singular definite form of אוֹר (ór).ha'ór
694 הפתעה
     1. n. A surprise.hafta'á
     2. n. Surprise.
695 מטר
     1. n. (archaic) rainmatár
     2. v. to rain
     3. n. meterméter
     4. n. (colloquial) measuring tape
696 חומר
     1. n. material, substance, matterkhómer
           חומרי טעם וריח ― chomré táam varéach ― flavorings
697 מתנה
     1. n. a giftmataná
698 רעב
     1. adj. Hungry (desirous of food).
     2. n. hungerra'áv
     3. v. To hunger, to be malnourished.
699 ארבעה
     1. num. fourarbaá
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