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700 רגל
     1. n. foot, legrégel
     2. n. leg (as of a table or chair)
     3. n. foot (unit of length)
     4. n. (Biblical Hebrew, only) time, instance, occurrence (e.g. Numbers, 22:28)
701 שיחה
     1. n. conversation; talk, chatsikhá
     2. n. negotiation, talk
702 יושב
     1. n. inhabitantyoshév
     2. v. masculine singular present participle and present tense of ישב (yasháv).
703 שליטה
     1. n. controlsh'litá
704 לאהוב
     1. v. to-infinitive of אהב (aháv).le'ehóv
705 מראה
     1. n. sight, appearancemar'é
     2. n. (מַרְאֶהָ, mar'éha) singular form of מַרְאֶה third-person feminine singular personal pronoun as possessor
     3. n. mirrormar'á
     4. v. (מַרְאֶה, mar'é) masculine singular present participle and present tense of הֶרְאָה (her'á)-
     5. v. (מַרְאָה, mar'á) feminine singular present participle and present tense of הֶרְאָה (her'á)
706 שניה
     1. adj. secondsh'niyá
     2. n. A second: one sixtieth of a minute of time.
     3. n. A second: one sixtieth of a minute of angular measure.
     4. interj. wait a second, hold on
707 מאה
     1. n. hundred, one hundredme'á
     2. n. century
708 קרא
     1. v. to readqaráʾ
           אני לא צריך חברים שלא קוראים ספרים. (aní lo tsaríkh khaverím sheló kor'ím sfarím.) - I don't need friends who don't read books.
     2. v. to call
           איך קוראים לך? (éykh kor'ím l'khá?) - What is your name? literally How do they call you?
     3. v. (obsolete spelling of קרה, קָרָה)kará
709 ניסה
     1. v. to try, to attemptnisá
     2. v. to test; to try out
710 מלך
     1. n. kingmélekh
     2. v. to rulemalákh
711 אדום
     1. adj. red'adóm
     2. n. red
712 אנה
     1. adv. (archaic) whither, to where'ána
     2. adv. alternative spelling of אָנָּא tr='ána
713 אמת
     1. n. (, and, un) truthemét
714 ט
     1. Letter. The ninth letter of the Hebrew alphabet.[[teth]], [[tet]]
     2. Letter. The numeral 9 in Hebrew numbering.
715 מיני
     1. adj. (he-adj-i, wv=מִינִי, tr=mini, mp2=+)
     2. adj. sexual
716 כלי
     1. n. armory; tool; utensil; instrumentk'lí
717 אחיך
     1. n. (אָחִיךָ, achícha) singular form of אָח (ách) second-person masculine singular personal pronoun as possessor.
     2. n. (אַחֶיךָ, achécha) plural form of אָח (ách) second-person masculine singular personal pronoun as possessor.
     3. n. (אָחִיךְ, achích) singular form of אָח (ách) second-person feminine singular personal pronoun as possessor.
     4. n. (אַחַיִךְ, acháyich) plural form of אָח (ách) second-person feminine singular personal pronoun as possessor.
     5. v. first-person singular future tense (prefix conjugation) of חִיֵּךְ (chiyéch).
718 הטובים
     1. adj. masculine plural definite form of טוֹב (tóv).hatovím
719 נוח
     1. adj. comfortable, easy
     2. adj. convenient
     3. adj. easy-going
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