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760 משטרה
     1. n. policemishtará
761 סונכרן
     1. v. to synchronizesun'krén
762 שיער
     1. n. hairse'ár
           השיער שלי שחור. (hase'ar sheli shakhór.) - My hair is black.
763 הרגת
     1. v. (הָרַגְתָּ, harágta) second-person masculine singular past tense (suffix conjugation) of הָרַג (harág).harágta
764 אצלך
     1. prep. Form of אצל (étzel) including second-person masculine personal pronoun as object.etzl'khá
     2. prep. Form of אצל (étzel) including second-person feminine personal pronoun as object.etzlékh
765 שינה
     1. n. Sleep: a state or period of being asleep.sheiná
     2. v. to change, to altershiná
     3. v. (colloquial) to matter, to make a difference
766 נהג
     1. v. lead, guide (an animal, a tour group(,) etc.)nahág
     2. v. lead, guide (a company, a generation(,) etc.)
     3. v. drive (a vehicle)
     4. n. driver of a vehicle
767 כתב
     1. v. to writekatáv
     2. n. writing, script, handwritingk'táv
     3. n. a (soplink, newspaper, correspondent)katáv
768 אמן
     1. interj. so be it
     2. interj. surely
     3. interj. truth
     4. interj. faith
769 פרופסור
     1. n. A professor, a college professor, a university professor.profésor
           היא פרופסורית להנדסה. (hi profesorít l'handasá.) - She is an engineering professor.
     2. n. Professor: used as a title for a professor.
           מה פרופסור ליפסקי מלמד? — ma profésor lípski m'laméd? — What does Professor Lipsky teach?
770 ריק
     1. adj. emptyreik
     2. adj. (by extension) dull, boring
771 שמן
     1. n. Oil: any of various hydrophobic liquids with low external friction.shémen
     2. n. Specifically, cooking oil.
     3. v. To grow or become fat, such as by overeating.shamán
     4. adj. fat, chubbyshamén
     5. adj. oily, greasy
772 מהיר
     1. adj. fast, quickmahír
773 הורד
     1. v. to be lowered, to be brought or taken downhurad
     2. v. (computing) to be downloaded
774 זהב
     1. n. gold (metal)zaháv
     2. n. gold (color)
     3. n. gold (anything or anyone very valuable)
775 חירום
     1. n. emergency; often used attributivelykheirúm
           רפואת חירום — r'fu'át-kheirúmemergency medicine
           מקרה חירום — mikré-kheirúmemergency event
           מצבי חירום — matsavéi-kheirúmemergency situations, states of emergency
           יציאת חירום — y'tsi'át-kheirúmemergency exit
776 בנים
     1. n. plural of בֵּןbaním
777 עברו
     1. v. (עָבְרוּ, av'rú) third-person plural past tense (suffix conjugation) of עָבַר (avár).
778 מכה
     1. n. an attack, an assault, a hitmaká
     2. v. masculine singular present of הִכָּהmaké
     3. v. feminine singular present of הִכָּהmaká
     4. v. masculine singular present of הִכָּהmaké
779 שבועיים
     1. n. dual indefinite form of שָׁבוּעַ (shavúa), thus, a fortnight or two weeks.sh'vu'áyim
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