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840 ביקש
     1. v. To ask for, to request.bikésh
     2. v. (dated) To seek: to strive for.
841 צבא
     1. n. a military (armed forces)tsaváʾ
     2. n. an army (military force concerned mainly with ground operations)
     3. n. a host, a mob, a multitude (of people, particularly an army organized for war)
     4. n. (dated) a (soplink military, campaign) (a number of related operations aimed at achieving a particular military goal)
     5. n. (dated) a battle
842 להן
     1. prep. Form of ל־ (l-) including third-person feminine plural personal pronoun as objectlahén
843 כנס
     1. n. right
     2. n. a conferencekénes
     3. n. a congress
     4. n. a convention
     5. n. a session
844 בינתיים
     1. adv. Meanwhile, in the meantime.beintáyim, beinatáyim
845 מייד
     1. adv. immediatelymiyad
846 כבד
     1. n. Liver (organ of the body).kavéd
     2. adj. Heavy, having much weight.
     3. v. (He) swept (cleaned using a broom or the like).kibed
     4. v. (He) honored (showed respect for a person or the like).
847 חשב
     1. v. to thinkkhasháv
           אני לא רוצה לחשוב על מה שיקרה עם הוא לא יבוא מחר. (ani lo rotse lakhshov al ma sheyikre im hu lo yavo makhar.) - I don't want to think about what will happen if he doesn't
     2. n. an accountant
848 שאל
     1. v. to ask (a question), to querysha'ál
     2. v. to borrow (an item)
849 נפל
     1. v. To fall: to be pulled downward by gravity.nafál
     2. v. To fall: to decline sharply.
           לאחר הפיגוע במרכז הסחר העולמי, ערכי מניות רבות נפלו בפתאומיות. - After the attack in the World Trade Centre, the values of many stock fell suddenly.
     3. v. (flowery) qualifier, constructed with מ To be less the someone or something else.
           הפעילות נפלה מסדר היום לאחר שהתברר כי היא עלולה לסכן חיי אדם. - The activity was dropped from the agenda after it became clear that it may endanger human life.
850 הפך
     1. n. The opposite, contrary.héfekh
     2. v. (transitive, and, intransitive) To turn about, to turn over, to invert, to flip, to change, to become.hafákh
851 מאושרת
     1. adj. feminine singular of מאושרm'ushéret
852 כוחות
     1. n. plural indefinite form of כוחkokhót
     2. n. plural construct form of כוח
853 ארצה
     1. n. (אַרְצָהּ, artsáh) singular indefinite form of אֶרֶץ (érets) third-person feminine personal pronoun as possessor.
     2. n. (אַרְצָה, ártsa) singular indefinite form of אֶרֶץ (érets).
     3. n. (אָרְצָה, ártsa) singular indefinite form of אֶרֶץ (érets), he-pausal.
     4. n. (אַרְצָה, ártsa) singular construct form of אֶרֶץ (érets).
     5. v. first-person singular future tense (prefix conjugation) of רָצָה (ratsá).ertsé
854 הביא
     1. v. To bring.heví
           מה אתה מביא למסיבה? — ma atá meví lam'sibá? — What are you bringing to the party?
855 מרוצה
     1. adj. Satisfied.m'rutsé
856 דיבר
     1. v. to speak (say words)dibér
857 ממזר
     1. n. mamzer, bastard‏‏‏‏mamzér
858 יאללה
     1. interj. come on, c’mon
     2. interj. let’s go, hurry up
859 טעים
     1. adj. (of food) tasty (having a pleasant taste)ta'ím
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