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860 חמור
     1. n. donkeykh'amor
     2. n. jackass (foolish person)
     3. adj. severe, grave, serious, critical, drastic.khamur
861 משפחת
     1. n. construct form of משפחהmishpakhat
862 רעה
     1. adj. feminine singular indefinite of רַעra'á
     2. n. feminine singular indefinite of רֵעַre'á
     3. v. to herdra'á
     4. v. to graze
863 אשתו
     1. n. singular form of אִשָּׁה (ishá) third-person masculine singular personal pronoun as possessor.ishtó
864 לכבוד
     1. prep. In honor of (a person or occasion), for.likh'vód
           לכבוד יום ההולדת שלו, הלכנו לראות סרט. — Likh'vód yom ha-hulédet sheló, halákhnu lir'ót séret. — In honor of his birthday, we went to see a movie.
865 קבוצה
     1. n. A group.k'vutzá
     2. n. (sports) A team.
     3. n. (mathematics, set theory) A set.
     4. n. (historical, Israel) A collective farmstead, from which the kibbutz commune developed.
866 בעד
     1. prep. for, in favor of, supportingb'ad
     2. prep. for the sake of
     3. prep. (literary) through, via
867 דון
     1. v. bare infinitive (gerund) of דןdun
868 להרים
     1. v. to-infinitive of הרים (herím).l'harím
869 דג
     1. n. A fish.dág
     2. n. (דַּג־, dág-) singular construct form of דָּג .
     3. v. fisheddag
           דייג דג דג. (dayág dag dag.) - A fisherman fished a fish.
870 תקווה
     1. n. (, and, un) hopetikvá
871 מטוס
     1. n. plane, airplane, aeroplanematós
872 תשע
     1. num. nine (9)téisha
     2. num. (תְּשַׁע־, t'shá-) Construct form of תֵּשַׁע, face=bold, used in compound numerals.
           תְּשַׁע־עֶשְׂרֵה — t'shá-esré — nineteen
           תשע מאות — t'shá-me'ót — nine hundred
873 ללמד
     1. v. to-infinitive of לימד לִמֵּד (liméd).l'laméd
874 הרי
     1. n. plural construct of הָרharé
     2. interj. indeed
875 תעשו
     1. v. second-person masculine plural future tense (prefix conjugation) of עָשָׂה (asá).taasú
876 רצתה
     1. v. third-person feminine singular past tense (suffix conjugation) of רצה (ratsá)ratstá
877 שר
     1. v. to singshár
     2. n. (military) captain, commandersár
     3. n. (government) cabinet minister
     4. n. (Judaism) guardian angel
     5. n. (Biblical Hebrew) prince, captain, chief, ruler, chieftain, official
878 דודה
     1. n. auntdodá
879 מחיר
     1. n. A (good or service's) price, cost.m'khír
           מחירו של המעיל היה מאה שקלים בחורף, אבל עכשיו בקיץ המחיר הוא חמישים שקלים בלבד.
             m'khiró shel hame'íl hayá méa sh'kalím bakhóref, avál akhsháv bakáyitz ham'khír hu khamishím sh'khalím bil'vád.
             The price (literally its price) of the coat was a hundred shekels in the winter, but now in the summer the price is only fifty shekels.
           האם המחירים כאן נקובים בשקלים או בדולרים?
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