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900 הברית
     1. n. (singular definite of בְּרִית, tr=brit)habrít
901 צבע
     1. n. color, colourtséva
     2. n. paint
     3. n. dye, colourant
     4. n. a (male) painter.tsabá
     5. v. to paint; to color, to dyetsavá
902 עייף
     1. v. to tire, to exhaust'iyéf
     2. v. (colloquial) to bore
     3. adj. tired (in need of rest or sleep)
     4. v. (literary) to tire, to be made tired'ayáf
903 כלבים
     1. n. plural of כֶּלֶבklavím
904 איתכם
     1. prep. Form of את (ét) including second-person masculine plural personal pronoun as objectit'khém
     2. prep. Form of עם (ím) including second-person masculine plural personal pronoun as object
905 פ
     1. Letter. The seventeenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet. ף is the final form of the letter (sofeet), used only at the end of a word.[[pe]]
     2. Letter. The numeral 80 in Hebrew numbering.
     3. Letter. Letter used alone (in normal, not final form) to mark the end of a petuhah.
906 ניסיון
     1. n. attemptnisayon
     2. n. experiment
     3. n. experience
907 חור
     1. n. holekhór
     2. n. (biblical) nobleman
     3. n. (biblical) fine white clothkhúr
908 מלון
     1. n. hotelmalón
     2. n. dictionarymilón
     3. n. melonmelon
     4. n. (C, he, Buildings, Fruits)
909 פרטי
     1. adj. private, personal
     2. n. plural construct form of פרט : details of.p'raté-
910 פרי
     1. n. fruitpri
911 עמוד
     1. n. a pillar, a column, a postamúd
     2. n. a page (as of a book)
912 סיבוב
     1. n. The act of turning, rotating, or revolving.sibúv
     2. n. A turn, a rotation, a round, a tour, a revolution.
913 בעצמו
     1. prep. Form of בעצם (b'étzem) including third-person masculine singular personal pronoun as objectb'atzmó
914 דירה
     1. n. apartment (domicile occupying part of a building)dira
915 מאוהב
     1. adj. in love (with)m'ohav
           נועם מאוהב באפרת ואפרת מאוהבת במראה. (no'am m'ohav b'efrat v'efrat m'ohevet bamar'a.) - Noam is in love with Ephrat and Ephrat is in love with the mirr
916 בזהירות
     1. prep. Carefully, cautiously: with caution or care.biz'hirút
917 ן
     1. Letter. word-final form of נ
918 לגנוב
     1. v. to-infinitive of גנב (ganáv).lignóv
919 שיכור
     1. n. drunkardshikór
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