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920 עשיר
     1. adj. rich, wealthy, well off: having a lot of money and possessionsashír
     2. adj. Rich (in something): having a large amount of a specified thing.
           מנה עשירה בחלבון — maná ashirá b'khelbón — a dish rich in protein
921 נא
     1. adv. please, if you please
     2. adj. undercooked
922 חברות
     1. n. feminine plural of חָבֵרḥaverót
     2. n. plural of חֶבְרָהḥavarót
     3. n. friendshipḥaverút
     4. n. membership
     5. n. socializationḥivrút
923 ברח
     1. v. to escapebarách
924 פנוי
     1. adj. free, vacant, unoccupied, (of a person) single
925 פשע
     1. n. a crimepésha'
926 גשם
     1. n. right
     2. n. raingéshem
     3. n. flood
     4. n. substance
927 עדין
     1. adj. (he-adj-auto, wv=עָדִין, stemwv=עֲדִינ)
     2. adj. delicate, fine, gentle
     3. adj. fragile
     4. adj. gentle, sensitive
928 משרד
     1. n. An office: a person's office, a workplace.misrád
           היא עובדת במשרד לידי. — hi ovédet bamisrád l'yadí. — She works in the office next to me.
     2. n. An office, a bureau: a government office.
           משרד הפנים — misrád hap'ním — the Ministry of Interior
           משרד החינוך — misrád hakhinúkh — the Ministry of Education
929 לבכות
     1. v. to-infinitive of בכה (bakhá).livkót
930 חום
     1. adj. Brown, brown-colored.
     2. adj. (חוּם־, khúm-) masculine singular construct form of חוּם .
     3. n. Brown, the color brown.khúm
     4. n. (חוּם־, khúm-) singular construct form of חוּם .
     5. n. Heat, warmth: the property of being hot.khóm
931 כדורים
     1. n. plural of כַּדּוּרkadurím
932 דרכים
     1. n. plural indefinite form of דֶּרֶךְ (dérekh).d'rachim
933 שקר
     1. n. lie, falsehoodshéker
934 רץ
     1. v. To run; to move forward quickly on legs.rats
           הוא רץ מהר. (hu rats mahér.) - He runs/is running fast.
     2. v. To run; to go fast, to visit quickly.
           רצתי לחנות. (rátsti lakhanút.) - I ran to the store.
     3. n. A runner: a messenger who runs on foot.
935 משפחתי
     1. adj. (he-adj-i, wv=מִשְׁפַּחְתִּי, tr=mishpakhtí, mp2=o)
     2. adj. family, familial: of or pertaining to a family, or to families
     3. n. singular form of מִשְׁפָּחָה (mishpakhá) first-person singular personal pronoun as possessor: my family.mishpakhtí
936 המשך
     1. n. continuation, sequel, continuance, resumptionhemshékh
     2. n. prolongation
937 שבת
     1. n. Shabbat, Sabbath; weekly day of restshabát
     2. n. Saturday
     3. n. (archaic) week (Mishnaic Hebrew)
     4. v. to stop working, to restshavát
     5. v. to go on strike
938 סדר
     1. n. Order, the state of being well-arranged, in the sense of putting things in order.séder
     2. n. An order: an arrangement or sequence.
     3. n. A seder (Passover meal)
     4. n. An order: any of the six major divisions of the Mishnah.
     5. n. (סֵדֶר־, séder-) singular construct form of סֵדֶר .
939 טיסה
     1. n. flight (act of flying)tisá
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