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940 נער
     1. v. to bray (donkey)na'ár
     2. n. (Modern) youth , adolescentná'ar
     3. n. (biblical) non-infant child (e.g. 1 Samuel 1:24)
     4. n. (biblical) boy, physically-abled young man (e.g. 2 Samuel, 2:14)
941 נחש
     1. n. snake (the animal)nakhásh
     2. n. gummy worm
     3. n. magic, sorcery, spell, enchantment, augurynákhash
     4. v. (It/he) divined, figured out by use of magicnichésh
     5. v. (by extension) (It/he) guessed
942 החל
     1. v. To begin, to start.hekhél
943 מונית
     1. n. taxi, cab, taxicabmonít
944 נקודה
     1. n. pointn'kudá
     2. n. dot
     3. n. full stop, period
     4. n. aspect, facet
     5. n. (graph theory) vertex
945 מוח
     1. n. mind, brainmóakh
946 בלש
     1. n. A detective (a person who looks for evidence).balásh
947 צד
     1. n. (literally) A side.tsád
     2. n. (figuratively) A side, an aspect; a viewpoint.
           מצד אחד, (...; מצד שניאחר, ...) — mitsád ekhád, ...; mitsád shení/akhér, ... — (literally) From one side, ...; from another side, ... — (idiomatically)
           תסתכל על הצד החיובי. — tistakél al hatsád hakhiyuví. — Look on the bright literally positive side.
     3. v. to hunttsad
948 שקרן
     1. n. liarshakrán
949 מהו
     1. Phrase. (he-phrase, wv=מַהוּ, tr=máhu)
     2. Phrase. what is ...?
950 מכות
     1. n. plural of מַכָּהmakót
     2. v. feminine plural present of הִכָּה
951 דווקא
     1. adv. (colloquial) unexpectedlydávka
     2. adv. (colloquial) just to spite
     3. adv. (colloquial) specifically, precisely
     4. adv. (colloquial) in fact, actually
952 מטרה
     1. n. a target, aim.matará
           יריתי למרכז המטרה. (yarití lemerkáz hamatará) - I shot to the center of the target.
     2. n. a cause, a goal, aim (result one is attempting to achieve)
           המטרה היא ניצחון מוחלט. (hamatará hi nitsakhón mukhlát) - The goal is a decisive victory.
953 משפט
     1. n. A trial: a legal proceeding before a court.mishpát
     2. n. Law: a body of laws or commandments, taken collectively.
     3. n. (biblical) A judgment, verdict, ruling: the ruling of a court.
     4. n. (biblical) Justice, righteousness, just and righteous action.
     5. n. (grammar) A sentence: a grammatically complete series of words consisting of a subject and predicate.
954 ראינו
     1. v. first-person plural past tense (suffix conjugation) of רָאָה (raá).raínu
955 דלת
     1. n. door (portal of entry)délet
     2. n. alternative spelling of דל״תdalet
956 הפסקה
     1. n. A break, an intermission, an interval.hafsaká
957 אחלה
     1. adj. (slang) awesome, the bestákhla
958 אחים
     1. n. plural indefinite form of אָח (akh): brothers; nurses.akhayím
959 ספרים
     1. n. plural of סֵפֶרs'farím
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