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1000 נ
     1. Letter. The fourteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet. ן is the final form of the letter (sofeet), used only at the end of a word.[[nun]]
     2. Letter. The numeral 50 in Hebrew numbering.
1001 פועל
     1. n. verbpó'al
     2. n. deed; act
     3. n. a workerpo'él
1002 יפהפה
     1. adj. gorgeousy'fefé
1003 צר
     1. adj. narrow (not wide)tsar
     2. adj. narrow (restrictive)
     3. n. An active enemy (as opposed to one who merely harbors hate).
1004 פצצה
     1. n. a bombpetzatza
     2. n. (by extension) a bombshell (something that is very surprising, shocking, amazing or sensational)
     3. n. (slang) Someone who is very physically attractive; a bombshell.
     4. n. (slang) Something amazing or beautiful; the bomb.
           הסרט אתמול היה פצצה. - The film yesterday was amazing literally was a bomb.
1005 נפגע
     1. v. To be injured or wounded: to become injured or wounded, to receive a wound or injury.nifgá
     2. v. (נִפְגָּע, nifgá) masculine singular present participle and present tense of נִפְגַּע .
1006 שלמה
     1. adj. feminine singular definite form of שָׁלֵם (shalém).sh'lemá
     2. n. clothes, dresssalmá
     3. v. third-person feminine singular past tense (suffix conjugation) of שִׁלֵּם (shilém).shil'má
1007 אליכם
     1. prep. Form of אֶל (el) including second-person masculine plural personal pronoun as objectalechém
1008 אלפים
     1. n. plural indefinite of אלף (élef)alafím
1009 סופי
     1. adj. (he-adj-i, wv=סוֹפִי, tr=sofí, mp2=1)
     2. adj. Final, terminal, ending: of or pertaining to an end.
     3. adj. (specifically, of a letter) Final: being the “final” form of a letter, used at the end of a word.
     4. adj. Finite: having an end.
           קבוצה סופית (k'vutzá sofít) - A finite set
1010 ירה
     1. v. To flow as water (that is, to rain).yará
     2. v. To lay or throw; especially, to shoot, as an arrow or gun.
     3. v. (figuratively) To point out (as if by aiming the finger), to teach.
1011 מזכיר
     1. n. A (male) secretary, a man tasked with keeping records and handling clerical work.mazkír
     2. v. masculine singular present participle and present tense of הזכיר (hizkír)
1012 גאון
     1. n. geniusga'ón
     2. n. Gaon (a title usually given to heads of Talmudic academies in Babylon)
1013 אלוף
     1. n. A major general (military rank).alúf
     2. n. A champion (someone who has been winner in a contest).
     3. n. (Biblical Hebrew) A close friend.
1014 להפריע
     1. v. to-infinitive of הפריע (hifría).l'hafría
1015 ריח
     1. n. An odor, scent, smell.réakh
     2. n. (figuratively, chiefly in negative) A trace, residue, iota.
1016 אביו
     1. n. third-person-masculine-singular-personal-pronoun-including singular construct form of אבavív
           איפה אביו? — éifo avív? — Where is his father?
1017 מבצע
     1. n. An operation, an action.mivtsá
           במבצע אנטבה הצילו נוסעי טיסה שנחטפו. — b'mivtsá entébe hitsílu nos'éi tisá shenekht'fú. — In Operation Entebbe they rescued kidnapped airline passengers.
     2. n. A sale: an event wherein a seller lowers some or all prices.
           קניתי קילו תותים במבצע. — kaníti kílo tútim b'mivtsá. — I bought a kilo of strawberries on sale.
           יש מבצע בחנות היום. — yesh mivtsá bakhanút hayóm. — There's a sale at the store today.
1018 איפשהו
     1. adv. Somewhere: in some (unspecified) place.éifoshehu
1019 שחרר
     1. v. To free, release, let go: to set free from confinement.shikhrér
     2. v. To release, disconnect, unbind, free, disentangle: to separate two things that were (literally or figuratively) bound to each other.
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