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1020 רחמים
     1. n. mercyrakhamím
     2. n. compassion
1021 רצו
     1. v. third-person plural past tense (suffix conjugation) of רצה (ratsá)ratsu
1022 מעשה
     1. n. deed, action, actma‘asé
     2. n. event, incident
     3. n. tale, story, narrative
1023 איום
     1. adj. threatening, frightening, terrifying
     2. adj. terrible, unbearable
     3. n. a threatiyum
1024 כחול
     1. adj. blue, a darker shade than תְּכֵלֶת, tr=tchéletkaḥól
1025 קרן
     1. n. horn, antler, (of an animal)kéren
     2. n. ray, beam (beam of light or radiation)
     3. n. corner
     4. n. (music) horn, bugle (Any of several musical wind instruments.)
     5. n. (biochemistry) keratin
1026 כפול
     1. adj. Double, dual: having two parts instead of one.
           סוכן כפול — sokhé kafúl — a double agent
           כוכבים כפולים — kokhavím k'fulímbinary stars
           רצח כפול — rétsakh kafúl — a double murder
           אזרחות כפולה — ezrakhút k'fuládual citizenship
1027 בודד
     1. adj. lonelybodéd
     2. adj. alone, isolated
     3. adj. desolate
     4. n. isolated person, single person
     5. v. to isolate, cause to be isolated
1028 מראש
     1. adv. in advance, ahead
1029 חופש
     1. n. Freedom.khófesh
     2. n. A vacation (especially from school).
     3. v. (rare) To be freed: passive counterpart of חיפשkhupásh
     4. v. To be looked for, sought.khupás
1030 קלה
     1. adj. feminine singular indefinite form of קל (kal).kalá
     2. v. to toastqalá
1031 ימין
     1. n. The right hand or side (leg, eye) of a person or other object (as the stronger and more dexterous); locally, the south: - + left-handed, right (hand, side), south.yamin
1032 שנות
     1. n. plural construct form of שָׁנָה (shaná).sh'nót-
     2. n. plural construct form of שינה (sheiná).
1033 גיל
     1. n. age, periodgíl
     2. n. joy, happiness
1034 חלומות
     1. n. plural indefinite form of חלוםkhalomót
1035 דאג
     1. v. (intransitive) To worry (about something), to be concerned (about something).da'ág
           אל תדאג לי. (al tid'ag li.) - Don't worry about me literally "to me".
1036 זז
     1. v. to movezáz
1037 אחריות
     1. n. Responsibility (for); 1=typically construed with the preposition עakharayút
           הוא לא לוקח אחריות על עצמו. (Hu lo lokéakh akharaiút al atzmó.) - He doesn't take responsibility for himself.
1038 לנוח
     1. v. to-infinitive of נָח (nákh)lanúakh
1039 ציפור
     1. n. a birdtsipór
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