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1340 נעימה
     1. n. tunene'imá
     2. adj. feminine singular indefinite form of נָעִים (na'ím)
1341 נישואין
     1. n. marriage, weddingnisu'in
1342 ירח
     1. n. moonyaréakh
     2. n. (archaic) monthyérakh
1343 ארון
     1. n. A cupboard, closet, cabinet, or similar piece of furniture.arón
           איפה ארון הספרים? (eifo aron ha-s'farim?) - Where is the bookcase?
     2. n. A coffin or casket.
     3. n. (military slang) One of the bars on the shoulders of Israeli military uniforms to indicate rank (with more bars indicating a higher rank).
     4. n. (slang) The metaphorical closet in which persons who are secretly GLBT are imagined to reside (as in English).
1344 וינס
     1. v. (he-Vav imperfect of נס, tr=nás, wv=נָס, p=3, n=s, g=m, .=.)vayanós
1345 פנה
     1. v. to facepaná
     2. v. to turn
           הַמְשֵׁךְ 750 מֶטֶר וּלְאַחַר מִכֵּן פְּנֵה יָמִינָה. (hamshékh 750 méter ul'akhár mikén p'né yamína.) - Continue 750 meters, then turn right.
     3. v. to address, speak to
1346 חתיך
     1. n. (colloquial) hunk, stud (an attractive, well-built man)ḥatích
1347 זכר
     1. n. malezachár
     2. n. (grammar) masculine
     3. n. remembrance, remain, remnantzécher
           לא נותר ממנו זכר. (lo notár miménu zécher) - Nothing remained of him. literally: No remain was left from him.
     4. v. to rememberzachár
1348 תרופה
     1. n. right
     2. n. a drug, medicament, medicine‏‏‏‏, medicationtrufá
1349 מחקר
     1. n. A material.mekhkár
     2. n. A study, a bit of research.
1350 הופעה
     1. n. show, performancehofa'a
     2. n. appearance
1351 פרצוף
     1. n. visage, countenance, facepartsúf
1352 מחשבות
     1. n. thought (the state or condition of thinking (2))makhshavót
1353 פגיעה
     1. n. a blow, a strike, a hitp'gi'á
     2. n. a wound, an injury
     3. n. an insult
     4. adj. feminine singular indefinite form of פָּגִיעַ (pagía)
1354 אלכוהול
     1. n. alcoholalkohol
1355 בחר
     1. v. to choose, to opt, to select.bakhár
     2. v. to prefer
     3. v. to appoint
1356 יתן
     1. v. third-person masculine singular future tense (prefix conjugation) of נָתַן (natán).yitén
     2. v. Third-person masculine singular future tense (prefix conjugation) in Hofal of נָתַן (natán).yután
1357 ניצחון
     1. n. victory, triumphnitsakhón
1358 קלות
     1. adv. (of speech) Softly, quietly.qalót
     2. n. Ease: lack of difficulty.qalút
     3. n. Softness, lightness.
     4. adj. feminine plural indefinite form of קל (kal).qalót
1359 קיץ
     1. n. summerkáyits
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