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1360 מחנה
     1. n. campmakhané
     2. n. (military) army base
     3. n. (hbo) drove, army
1361 תום
     1. n. innocence, simplicitytom
     2. n. end, completion
                וַיִּמְלְאוּ יָמֶיהָ לָלֶדֶת וְהִנֵּה תוֹמִים בְּבִטְנָהּ (vayimleú yaméiah lalédet vehiné tomím bevitnáh) - And when her days to be delivered were fulfilled, behold, there
1362 חשוד
     1. adj. Suspicious: meriting or being the target of suspicion.
     2. n. A (male) suspect: a (male) person suspected of a crime.khashúd
1363 קן
     1. n. nest (bird-built structure)ken
1364 יחידה
     1. n. a unityeḥidá
     2. adj. feminine singular indefinite form of יָחִיד (yaḥíd).
1365 לימד
     1. v. To teach.liméd
           לימדתי אותם אנגלית.
             limád'ti otám anglít.
             I taught them English.
1366 חרב
     1. n. A cutting instrument, as a knife, sword, or other sharp implement: - axe, dagger, mattock, tool.khérev
     2. n. A drought.
     3. v. has been destroyed, collapsed, fell to destruction.kharáv
     4. v. dehydrated, dried up
1367 פיצוץ
     1. n. explosion (a violent release of energy)pitsúts
1368 גדל
     1. v. (intransitive, stative) to be big, large, greatgadál
     2. v. (intransitive) to grow (become bigger, greater, more).
     3. v. (intransitive) to grow up, become older.
1369 בניין
     1. n. building; constructionbinyán
     2. n. (grammar) conjugation pattern; construction
     3. n. (בִּנְיַן־, binyán-) singular construct form of בניין .
1370 חייהם
     1. n. Form with a suffix indicating a masculine, plural, third-person possessor of חַיִּיםchayehém
1371 רשע
     1. n. someone who is evil, wickedrashá
     2. n. criminal
     3. n. evil, wickednessrésha
1372 קרובה
     1. adj. feminine singular of קָרוֹבk'rová
     2. n. relative (family member)
     3. n. (feminine only) A poem inserted into the leader's repetition aloud of the morning prayer service.
1373 רצינו
     1. v. first-person plural past tense (suffix conjugation) of רצה (ratsá)ratstinu
1374 נקבה
     1. n. female (from the sexual form): - female, woman.n'kevá
     2. n. (grammar) feminine
1375 שירה
     1. n. singing (the act, practice, or skill of singing)shirá
1376 רשת
     1. n. a net (a mesh of string or the like)réshet
     2. n. a chain (series of stores or businesses with the same brand name)
           איקאה היא רשת הרהיטים המובילה בעולם. - Ikea is the leading furniture chain in the world.
     3. n. a network (a group of people working together and communicating informally.)
           משטרה דיווחה על חשיפת רשת של סוחרי סמים בצפון. - Police reported on the exposure of a network of drug dealers in the north.
1377 לאמר
     1. v. (archaic, _, form) to-infinitive of אָמַר (amár).lemór
1378 התעורר
     1. v. (intransitive) To wake up, to awaken, to wake.hit'orér
           התעוררנו מוקדם בבוקר — hit'orárnu mukdám babóker — We woke up early in the morning.
1379 תשלום
     1. n. A payment.tashlúm
     2. n. (תַּשְׁלוּם־, tashlúm-) singular construct form of תשלום (tashlúm).
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