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1380 גנבת
     1. v. masculine second-person singular past of גָּנַבganavta
     2. v. feminine second-person singular past of גָּנַבganavet
1381 סר
     1. v. to turn, to turn asidesar
1382 קולות
     1. n. plural of קוֹלkolot
1383 שער
     1. n. gateway (entrance)shá'ar
     2. n. gateway (beginning)
     3. n. market value
     4. v. assess (determine the value of), appraiseshi'ér
     5. n. hairse'ár
1384 הצלחה
     1. n. a successhatzlakhá
1385 שלילי
     1. adj. Negative: bad, not good.
     2. adj. (of a number) Negative: less than zero.
     3. adj. (as an adverb or interjection) Negative: no.
     4. adj. (of an, experimental or test result) Negative: not finding a positive result.
1386 תנאי
     1. n. (logic) A condition, an antecedent: the first half of a conditional statement, on which the consequent depends.t'nái
     2. n. A condition (to an agreement): a proviso, a requirement, a prerequisite.
           אני מסכימה, בתנאי שתעזרי גם את. (aní maskimá, bit'nái sheta'az'rí gám át.) - I agree, on condition that you help, too.
     3. n. A condition: an aspect of a situation.
           הם מוחזקים בתנאים בלתי אנושיים. (hém mukhzakím bit'na'ím biltí enoshiyím) - They are held in inhuman conditions.
1387 חיוך
     1. n. smilekhiyúkh
1388 שמלה
     1. n. dresssimla
1389 פעילות
     1. adj. feminine plural form of פָּעִיל (pa'íl)p'ilót
     2. n. feminine plural of פָּעִיל
     3. n. activityp'ilút
1390 יה
     1. n. alternative form of טו ("fifteen"), usually avoided owing to its homonymy with the holy name Jah.15
1391 ידידים
     1. n. plural indefinite form of יָדִיד (yadíd): (platonic) friends.y'didim
1392 המחשבה
     1. n. of מחשבהhamakhshavá
1393 הזמנה
     1. n. invitationhazmana
1394 נפגש
     1. v. To meet (with someone), to have a meeting with, to meet (intentionally).nifgásh
           באיזו שעה ניפגש מחר? (b'éizo sha'á nipagésh makhár?) - What time shall we meet tomorrow?
1395 מסלול
     1. n. A path, such as for walking.maslúl
     2. n. (figuratively) A path.
           חזר למסלול (khazár lamaslúl) - to get back to normal
     3. n. (physics) A trajectory; an orbit.
     4. n. (graph theory) A path.
1396 רשימה
     1. n. listr'shimá
1397 נשבר
     1. v. (intransitive) To break, to be broken, to get broken.nishbár
1398 ספינה
     1. n. ship, boatsfiná
     2. n. nave (of a church)
1399 אוטובוס
     1. n. a bus (vehicle)otobús
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