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1520 נביא
     1. n. A prophet: one who speaks by divine inspiration.naví
     2. n. (נְבִיא־, n'ví-) singular construct form of נָבִיא .
     3. v. first-person plural future tense (prefix conjugation) of הֵבִיא (heví).
1521 ואמרתי
     1. v. (he-Vav perfect of p=1, n=s, אָמַר, tr=amár, .=.)v'amartí
1522 תחילה
     1. adv. at firsttḥilá
     2. n. beginning
1523 חצות
     1. n. Common abbreviation of חצות הלילה (in all meanings)khatsót
     2. n. (dated, rare) Abbreviation of חצות היום, noon, midday.
1524 רמז
     1. n. A clue, signalrémez
     2. v. indicatedramáz
     3. v. beckoned, signaled
1525 מלכתחילה
     1. adv. from the outset, from the beginningmilkhatkhilá
1526 קריאה
     1. n. reading (the process of interpreting written language)k'ri'á
     2. n. call (cry or shout)
1527 החליט
     1. v. To opt, choose, decide.hekhlít
1528 כספי
     1. adj. (he-adj-i, wv=כַּסְפִּי, tr=kaspí, mp2=1)
     2. adj. silvery, metallic
     3. adj. financial
1529 אכל
     1. v. to eat'akhál
     2. v. to consume, to use up
     3. v. to devour, to eat up
1530 מיטה
     1. n. a bedmitá
1531 ברק
     1. n. lightning (atmospheric flash of light)barák
     2. n. shine (reflected light)
1532 המאה
     1. n. (singular definite of מֵאָה, sc=Hebr, tr=mé'a)hamé'a
1533 השפעה
     1. n. influencehashpa'á
1534 מנהלת
     1. n. a (female) bossmenahélet
     2. n. a (female) director
     3. n. a headmistress
     4. n. a (female) manager
     5. n. a (female) principal
1535 מנוחה
     1. n. restm'nukhá
     2. n. respite
     3. n. calm, serenity
1536 תרגיל
     1. n. An exercise.targíl
1537 טהור
     1. adj. pure; clean; innocenttahór
1538 עברית
     1. n. Hebrew (language)ivrít
1539 אבק
     1. n. (usually un) dustavak
     2. n. (by extension) hint of (something)
     3. n. (Mishnaic) A hole in cloth for the incertion of thread; a hole in the edges of some product through which a nail, a screw or a thread can go to fix it firmly.evek
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